Gilbert Grell
Gilbert Grell
PostDoc at IMDEA Nanociencia
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OpenMolcas: From source code to insight
I Fdez. Galván, M Vacher, A Alavi, C Angeli, F Aquilante, J Autschbach, ...
Journal of chemical theory and computation 15 (11), 5925-5964, 2019
Tuning range-separated density functional theory for photocatalytic water splitting systems
OS Bokareva, G Grell, SI Bokarev, O Kühn
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 11 (4), 1700-1709, 2015
Multi-reference approach to the calculation of photoelectron spectra including spin-orbit coupling
G Grell, SI Bokarev, B Winter, R Seidel, EF Aziz, SG Aziz, O Kühn
The Journal of chemical physics 143 (7), 2015
Electron-and energy-transfer processes in a photocatalytic system based on an Ir (III)-photosensitizer and an iron catalyst
A Neubauer, G Grell, A Friedrich, SI Bokarev, P Schwarzbach, F Gärtner, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 5 (8), 1355-1360, 2014
Joint analysis of radiative and non-radiative electronic relaxation upon X-ray irradiation of transition metal aqueous solutions
R Golnak, SI Bokarev, R Seidel, J Xiao, G Grell, K Atak, I Unger, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 24659, 2016
Ultrafast Spin Crossover in [FeII(bpy)3]2+: Revealing Two Competing Mechanisms by Extreme Ultraviolet Photoemission Spectroscopy
A Moguilevski, M Wilke, G Grell, SI Bokarev, SG Aziz, N Engel, ...
ChemPhysChem 18 (5), 465-469, 2017
Light-induced relaxation dynamics of the ferricyanide ion revisited by ultrafast XUV photoelectron spectroscopy
N Engel, SI Bokarev, A Moguilevski, AA Raheem, R Al-Obaidi, T Möhle, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (22), 14248-14255, 2017
Multi-reference protocol for (auto) ionization spectra: Application to molecules
G Grell, SI Bokarev
The Journal of chemical physics 152 (7), 2020
Multireference quantum chemistry protocol for simulating autoionization spectra: Test of ionization continuum models for the neon atom
G Grell, O Kühn, SI Bokarev
Physical Review A 100 (4), 042512, 2019
Ultrafast kinetics of linkage isomerism in Na2 [Fe (CN) 5NO] aqueous solution revealed by time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy
AA Raheem, M Wilke, M Borgwardt, N Engel, SI Bokarev, G Grell, SG Aziz, ...
Structural Dynamics 4 (4), 2017
Tuned range-separated density functional theory and Dyson orbital formalism for photoelectron spectra
T Möhle, OS Bokareva, G Grell, O Kühn, SI Bokarev
Journal of chemical theory and computation 14 (11), 5870-5880, 2018
Effect of the shot-to-shot variation on charge migration induced by sub-fs x-ray free-electron laser pulses
G Grell, Z Guo, T Driver, P Decleva, E Plésiat, A Picón, ...
Physical Review Research 5 (2), 023092, 2023
Photoelectron shake-ups as a probe of molecular symmetry: 4d XPS analysis of I 3− in solution
J Norell, G Grell, O Kühn, M Odelius, SI Bokarev
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (30), 19916-19921, 2018
Erratum:“Multi-reference approach to the calculation of photoelectron spectra including spin-orbit coupling”[J. Chem. Phys. 143, 074104 (2015)]
G Grell, SI Bokarev, B Winter, R Seidel, EF Aziz, SG Aziz, O Kühn
The Journal of chemical physics 145 (8), 2016
Time-resolved diffraction: general discussion
F Allum, K Amini, M Ashfold, D Bansal, RJF Berger, M Centurion, G Dixit, ...
Faraday Discussions 228, 161-190, 2021
Time-resolved ultrafast spectroscopy: general discussion
M Ashfold, M Chergui, I Fischer, L Ge, G Grell, M Ivanov, A Kirrander, ...
Faraday Discussions 228, 329-348, 2021
Attosecond Coherent Electron Motion in a Photoionized Aromatic Molecule
T Driver, Z Guo, E Isele, G Grell, M Ruberti, JT ONeal, O Alexander, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.01700, 2024
Observation of molecular resonant double-core excitation driven by intense X-ray pulses
E Pelimanni, AEA Fouda, PJ Ho, TM Baumann, SI Bokarev, AD Fanis, ...
Communications Physics 7 (1), 341, 2024
First principle simulation approach for attosecond XUV pump-XUV probe spectra for small organic molecules
G Grell, J González-Vázquez, P Decleva, A Palacios, F Martín
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2023 …, 2023
Theoretical Calculations of the Resonant Double Core-Excitation and Autoionization Decay of N2
A Fouda, G Grell, S Bokarev, P Ho, E Pelimanni, L Young, J Cryan, ...
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2023 …, 2023
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