Donghao Ren
Donghao Ren
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Squares: Supporting Interactive Performance Analysis for Multiclass Classifiers
D Ren, S Amershi, B Lee, J Suh, JD Williams
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 23 (1), 61-70, 2017
ChartAccent: Annotation for Data-Driven Storytelling
D Ren, M Brehmer, B Lee, T Höllerer, EK Choe
PacificVis 17, 2017
Dimension projection matrix/tree: Interactive subspace visual exploration and analysis of high dimensional data
X Yuan, D Ren, Z Wang, C Guo
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 19 (12), 2625-2633, 2013
Charticulator: Interactive Construction of Bespoke Chart Layouts
D Ren, B Lee, M Brehmer
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 25 (1), 2019
iVisDesigner: Expressive interactive design of information visualizations
D Ren, T Höllerer, X Yuan
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 20 (12), 2092-2101, 2014
Critical reflections on visualization authoring systems
A Satyanarayan, B Lee, D Ren, J Heer, J Stasko, J Thompson, M Brehmer, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 26 (1), 461-471, 2019
mage: Fluid Moves Between Code and Graphical Work in Computational Notebooks
MB Kery, D Ren, F Hohman, D Moritz, K Wongsuphasawat, K Patel
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and …, 2020
Evaluating Wide-Field-of-View Augmented Reality with Mixed Reality Simulation
D Ren, T Goldschwendt, YS Chang, T Höllerer
IEEE Virtual Reality 2016, 2016
WeiboEvents: A crowd sourcing Weibo visual analytic system
D Ren, X Zhang, Z Wang, J Li, X Yuan
IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2014), 330-334, 2014
Neo: Generalizing confusion matrix visualization to hierarchical and multi-output labels
J Görtler, F Hohman, D Moritz, K Wongsuphasawat, D Ren, R Nair, ...
Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2022
Canis: A High‐Level Language for Data‐Driven Chart Animations
T Ge, Y Zhao, B Lee, D Ren, B Chen, Y Wang
Computer Graphics Forum 39 (3), 607-617, 2020
Reflecting on the Evaluation of Visualization Authoring Systems: Position Paper
D Ren, B Lee, M Brehmer, NH Riche
2018 IEEE Evaluation and Beyond-Methodological Approaches for Visualization …, 2018
Stardust: Accessible and Transparent GPU Support for Information Visualization Rendering
D Ren, B Lee, T Höllerer
Computer Graphics Forum 36 (3), 179-188, 2017
Personalizing Content Presentation on Large 3D Head-Up Displays
R Häuslschmid, D Ren, F Alt, A Butz, T Höllerer
PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality 27 (1), 80-106, 2019
Tempura: Query Analysis with Structural Templates
T Wu, K Wongsuphasawat, D Ren, K Patel, C DuBois
Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2020
Interactive performance visualization of multi-class classifier
SA Amershi, B Lee, J Suh, JD Williams, D Ren
US Patent 10,460,256, 2019
The Future of Notebook Programming Is Fluid
MB Kery, D Ren, K Wongsuphasawat, F Hohman, K Patel
Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2020
Understanding node-link and matrix visualizations of networks: A large-scale online experiment
D Ren, LR Marusich, J O’Donovan, JZ Bakdash, JA Schaffer, DN Cassenti, ...
Network Science 7 (2), 242-264, 2019
Cangjie's Poetry: An Interactive Art Experience of a Semantic Human-Machine Reality
W Zhang, D Ren, G Legrady
Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques 4 (2 …, 2021
XRCreator: Interactive construction of immersive data-driven stories
D Ren, B Lee, T Höllerer
Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2018
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