Carmen Navarro Aranda
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Cited by
Helicobacter pylori infection assessed by ELISA and by immunoblot and noncardia gastric cancer risk in a prospective study: the Eurgast-EPIC project
CA González, F Megraud, A Buissonniere, LL Barroso, A Agudo, EJ Duell, ...
Annals of oncology 23 (5), 1320-1324, 2012
Dynamics of an immune response in house sparrows Passer domesticus in relation to time of day, body condition and blood parasite infection
C Navarro, A Marzal, F De Lope, AP Møller
Oikos 101 (2), 291-298, 2003
A cross-sectional analysis of physical activity and obesity indicators in European participants of the EPIC-PANACEA study
H Besson, U Ekelund, J Luan, AM May, S Sharp, N Travier, A Agudo, ...
International journal of obesity 33 (4), 497-506, 2009
Revision of Geranium sections Azorelloida, Neoandina and Paramensia (Geraniaceae).
C Aedo, JJ Aldasoro, C &Navarro
Blumea 47, 205-297, 2002
Predation risk, host immune response, and parasitism
C Navarro, F De Lope, A Marzal, AP Møller
Behavioral Ecology 15 (4), 629-635, 2004
Inflammatory biomarkers: the link between obesity and associated pathologies
MA Zulet, B Puchau, C Navarro, A Marti, JA Martínez
Nutrición hospitalaria 22 (5), 511-527, 2007
The genus Sorbus (Maloideae, Rosaceae) in Europe and in North Africa: morphological analysis and systematics
JJ Aldasoro, C Aedo, C Navarro, FM Garmendia
Systematic botany, 189-212, 1998
Revision of Sorbus subgenera Aria and Torminaria (Rosaceae-Maloideae)
JJ Aldasoro, C Aedo, FM Garmendia, FP de la Hoz, C Navarro
Systematic Botany Monographs, 1-148, 2004
Biomarcadores del estado inflamatorio: nexo de unión con la obesidad y complicaciones asociadas
M Zulet, B Puchau, C Navarro, A Marti, JA Martinez
Nutrición hospitalaria 22 (5), 511-527, 2007
Objetivos, métodos y práctica de la arqueología hidráulica
H Kirchner, C Navarro
Archeologia Medievale 20, 121, 1993
Abiotic ecotypes in south-central Spanish rivers: reference conditions and pollution
JL Moreno, C Navarro, J De las Heras
Environmental Pollution 143 (3), 388-396, 2006
Taxonomic revision of Geranium sections batrachioidea and divaricata (Geraniaceae)
C Aedo, JJ Aldasoro, C Navarro
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 594-630, 1998
Prostate stem‐cell antigen gene is associated with diffuse and intestinal gastric cancer in Caucasians: results from the EPIC‐EURGAST study
N Sala, X Muñoz, N Travier, A Agudo, EJ Duell, V Moreno, K Overvad, ...
International journal of cancer 130 (10), 2417-2427, 2012
Objetivos, métodos y práctica de la arqueología hidráulica
H Kirchner, C Navarro
Arqueología y territorio medieval 1, 159-182, 1994
Fraseología contrastiva del español y el italiano (análisis de un corpus bilingüe)
C Navarro
Revista Electrónica de Estudios Filológicos 13, 397-411, 2007
Phylogenetic and phytogeographical relationships in Maloideae (Rosaceae) based on morphological and anatomical characters
JJS ALdASoRo, C AEdo, C Navarro
Blumea-biodiversity, evolution and biogeography of plants 50 (1), 3-32, 2005
Taxonomic revision of Geranium sect. Dissecta (Geraniaceae)
C Aedo, O Fiz, ML Alarcón, C Navarro, JJ Aldasoro
Systematic Botany 30 (3), 533-558, 2005
Contribución al estudio de la flora y vegetación del Duranguesado y la Busturia (Vizcaya)
C Navarro
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1980
Taxonomic Revision of Geranium Subsect. Mediterranea (Geraniaceae)
C Aedo, MA Garcia, ML Alarcón, JJ Aldasoro, C Navarro
Systematic botany 32 (1), 93-128, 2007
Flora iberica. Vol. 6. Rosaceae. (eds)
Flora iberica. Plantas vasculares de la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares, 592, 1998
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