Franco Capocasa
Cited by
Cited by
Antioxidants, phenolic compounds, and nutritional quality of different strawberry genotypes
S Tulipani, B Mezzetti, F Capocasa, S Bompadre, J Beekwilder, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food chemistry 56 (3), 696-704, 2008
Combining quality and antioxidant attributes in the strawberry: The role of genotype
F Capocasa, J Scalzo, B Mezzetti, M Battino
Food chemistry 111 (4), 872-878, 2008
The rootstock effects on plant adaptability, production, fruit quality, and nutrition in the peach (cv.‘Suncrest’)
M Giorgi, F Capocasa, J Scalzo, G Murri, M Battino, B Mezzetti
Scientia Horticulturae 107 (1), 36-42, 2005
The potential impact of strawberry on human health
F Giampieri, JM Alvarez-Suarez, L Mazzoni, S Romandini, S Bompadre, ...
Natural product research 27 (4-5), 448-455, 2013
Increasing strawberry fruit sensorial and nutritional quality using wild and cultivated germplasm
J Diamanti, F Capocasa, F Balducci, M Battino, J Hancock, B Mezzetti
Public Library of Science 7 (10), e46470, 2012
Overexpression of the anthocyanidin synthase gene in strawberry enhances antioxidant capacity and cytotoxic effects on human hepatic cancer cells
F Giampieri, M Gasparrini, TY Forbes-Hernandez, L Mazzoni, F Capocasa, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 66 (3), 581-592, 2018
Breeding strawberry (Fragaria X ananassa Duch) to increase fruit nutritional quality
F Capocasa, J Diamanti, S Tulipani, M Battino, B Mezzetti
Biofactors 34 (1), 67-72, 2008
Organic vs conventional plant-based foods: A review
F Giampieri, L Mazzoni, D Cianciosi, JM Alvarez-Suarez, L Regolo, ...
Food Chemistry 383, 132352, 2022
Use of wild genotypes in breeding program increases strawberry fruit sensorial and nutritional quality
J Diamanti, L Mazzoni, F Balducci, R Cappelletti, F Capocasa, M Battino, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 62 (18), 3944-3953, 2014
Environmental Conditions and Agronomical Factors Influencing the Levels of Phytochemicals in Brassica Vegetables Responsible for Nutritional and Sensorial …
F Biondi, F Balducci, F Capocasa, M Visciglio, E Mei, M Vagnoni, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (4), 1927, 2021
Breeding strawberry for higher phytochemicals content and claim it: is it possible?
B Mezzetti, F Balducci, F Capocasa, CF Zhong, R Cappelletti, L Di Vittori, ...
International Journal of Fruit Science 16 (sup1), 194-206, 2016
Folate content in different strawberry genotypes and folate status in healthy subjects after strawberry consumption
S Tulipani, S Romandini, JMA Suarez, F Capocasa, B Mezzetti, M Battino, ...
Biofactors 34 (1), 47-55, 2008
Application of the non-destructive NIR technique for the evaluation of strawberry fruits quality parameters
M Mancini, L Mazzoni, F Gagliardi, F Balducci, D Duca, G Toscano, ...
Foods 9 (4), 441, 2020
Improved nutritional quality in fruit tree species through traditional and biotechnological approaches
S Sabbadini, F Capocasa, M Battino, L Mazzoni, B Mezzetti
Trends in Food Science & Technology 117, 125-138, 2021
Unsupervised principal component analysis of NMR metabolic profiles for the assessment of substantial equivalence of transgenic grapes (Vitis vinifera)
G Picone, B Mezzetti, E Babini, F Capocasa, G Placucci, F Capozzi
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 59 (17), 9271-9279, 2011
An anthocyanin rich strawberry extract induces apoptosis and ROS while decreases glycolysis and fibrosis in human uterine leiomyoma cells
MS Islam, F Giampieri, M Janjusevic, M Gasparrini, TY Forbes-Hernandez, ...
Oncotarget 8 (14), 23575, 2017
Sensorial and nutritional quality of inter and intra—Specific strawberry genotypes selected in resilient conditions
L Mazzoni, L Di Vittori, F Balducci, TY Forbes-Hernández, F Giampieri, ...
Scientia Horticulturae 261, 108945, 2020
Standardized method for evaluation of strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa Duch.) germplasm collections as a genetic resource for fruit nutritional compounds
J Diamanti, F Capocasa, B Denoyes, A Petit, P Chartier, W Faedi, ...
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 28 (2), 170-178, 2012
Comparing nursery behavior, field plant yield and fruit quality of in vitro and in vivo propagated strawberry mother plants
F Capocasa, F Balducci, M Marcellini, D Bernardini, O Navacchi, ...
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) 136, 65-74, 2019
ROLC strawberry plant adaptability, productivity, and tolerance to soil-borne disease and mycorrhizal interactions
L Landi, F Capocasa, E Costantini, B Mezzetti
Transgenic research 18, 933-942, 2009
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Articles 1–20