Donald Booth
Donald Booth
Quantum Valley Ideas Lab
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Strongly correlated growth of Rydberg aggregates in a vapor cell
A Urvoy, F Ripka, I Lesanovsky, D Booth, JP Shaffer, T Pfau, R Löw
Physical Review Letters 114 (20), 203002, 2015
Production of trilobite Rydberg molecule dimers with kilo-Debye permanent electric dipole moments
D Booth, ST Rittenhouse, J Yang, HR Sadeghpour, JP Shaffer
Science 348 (6230), 99-102, 2015
Observation of electric-field-induced Cs Rydberg atom macrodimers
KR Overstreet, A Schwettmann, J Tallant, D Booth, JP Shaffer
Nature Physics 5 (8), 581-585, 2009
Observation of Blueshifted Ultralong-Range Rydberg Molecules
J Tallant, ST Rittenhouse, D Booth, HR Sadeghpour, JP Shaffer
Physical review letters 109 (17), 173202, 2012
Effects of electric fields on ultracold Rydberg atom interactions
JS Cabral, JM Kondo, LF Gonçalves, VA Nascimento, LG Marcassa, ...
Journal of Physics B: atomic, molecular and optical physics 44 (18), 184007, 2011
Origins of Rydberg-atom electrometer transient response and its impact on radio-frequency pulse sensing
SM Bohaichuk, D Booth, K Nickerson, H Tai, JP Shaffer
Physical Review Applied 18 (3), 034030, 2022
Reducing the sensitivity of Rydberg atoms to dc electric fields using two-frequency ac field dressing
DW Booth, J Isaacs, M Saffman
Physical Review A 97 (1), 012515, 2018
Photoionization rates of Cs Rydberg atoms in a 1064-nm far-off-resonance trap
J Tallant, D Booth, JP Shaffer
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (6), 063406, 2010
Optimized coplanar waveguide resonators for a superconductor–atom interface
MA Beck, JA Isaacs, D Booth, JD Pritchard, M Saffman, R McDermott
Applied Physics Letters 109 (9), 2016
Theory of long-range interactions for Rydberg states attached to hyperfine-split cores
F Robicheaux, DW Booth, M Saffman
Physical Review A 97 (2), 022508, 2018
Manipulation of quantum state transfer in cold Rydberg atom collisions
JS Cabral, JM Kondo, LF Gonçalves, LG Marcassa, D Booth, J Tallant, ...
New Journal of Physics 12 (9), 093023, 2010
Rydberg-atom-based electrometry using a self-heterodyne frequency-comb readout and preparation scheme
K Dixon, K Nickerson, DW Booth, JP Shaffer
Physical Review Applied 19 (3), 034078, 2023
Spectroscopic study and lifetime measurement of the 6d7p 3F2o state of radium
DW Booth, T Rabga, R Ready, KG Bailey, M Bishof, MR Dietrich, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 172, 105967, 2020
Exploiting the coupling between a Rydberg atom and a surface phonon polariton for single-photon subtraction
H Kübler, D Booth, J Sedlacek, P Zabawa, JP Shaffer
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (4), 043810, 2013
Role of multilevel Rydberg interactions in electric-field-tuned Förster resonances
JM Kondo, D Booth, LF Gonçalves, JP Shaffer, LG Marcassa
Physical Review A 93 (1), 012703, 2016
Vapor cell characterization and optimization for applications in Rydberg atom-based radio frequency sensing
M Noaman, H Amarloo, R Pandiyan, S Bobbara, S Mirzaee, K Nickerson, ...
Quantum Sensing, Imaging, and Precision Metrology 12447, 173-178, 2023
Reducing Rydberg-state dc polarizability by microwave dressing
JC Bohorquez, R Chinnarasu, J Isaacs, D Booth, M Beck, R McDermott, ...
Physical Review A 108 (2), 022805, 2023
Rydberg-Atom Sensors in Bichromatic Radio-Frequency Fields
M Noaman, DW Booth, JP Shaffer
Physical Review Applied 20 (2), 024068, 2023
Implementing an electronic sideband offset lock for isotope shift spectroscopy in radium
T Rabga, KG Bailey, M Bishof, DW Booth, MR Dietrich, JP Greene, ...
Optics Express 31 (25), 41326-41338, 2023
Characterizing the Optical Trapping of Rare Isotopes by Monte Carlo Simulation
DH Potterveld, SA Fromm, KG Bailey, M Bishof, DW Booth, MR Dietrich, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.07798, 2019
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