Victor Cionca
Victor Cionca
Computer Science, Munster Technological University
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Cited by
SHIMMER™–A wireless sensor platform for noninvasive biomedical research
A Burns, BR Greene, MJ McGrath, TJ O'Shea, B Kuris, SM Ayer, ...
Sensors Journal, IEEE 10 (9), 1527-1534, 2010
Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting for Building Energy Management Wireless Sensor Networks
W Wang, V Cionca, N Wang, M Hayes, B O'Flynn, C O'Mathuna
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 2013, 2013
FREE-Fine-grained Scheduling for Reliable and Energy Efficient Data Collection in LoRaWAN
KQ Abdelfadeel, D Zorbas, V Cionca, B O'Flynn, D Pesch
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.05744, 2018
Fair adaptive data rate allocation and power control in lorawan
KQ Abdelfadeel, V Cionca, D Pesch
2018 IEEE 19th International Symposium on" A World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2018
TDMA protocol requirements for wireless sensor networks
V Cionca, T Newe, V Dadârlat
Sensor Technologies and Applications, 2008. SENSORCOMM'08. Second …, 2008
Offline scheduling algorithms for time-slotted lora-based bulk data transmission
D Zorbas, KQ Abdefadeel, V Cionca, D Pesch, B O’Flynn
the IEEE 5th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). IEEE, 1-6, 2019
Detecting Link Fabrication Attacks in Software-Defined Networks
D Smyth, S McSweeney, D O'Shea, V Cionca
Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), 2017 26th International …, 2017
Embedded fall and activity monitoring for a wearable ambient assisted living solution for older adults
AK Bourke, S Prescher, F Koehler, V Cionca, C Tavares, S Gomis, ...
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2012 Annual …, 2012
Virtual Network Embedding for Wireless Sensor Networks Time Efficient QoS/QoI Aware Approach
R Katona, V Cionca, D O’Shea, D Pesch
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020
Lschc: Layered static context header compression for lpwans
KQ Abdelfadeel, V Cionca, D Pesch
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Challenged Networks, 13-18, 2017
Configuration Tool for a Wireless Sensor Network Integrated Security Framework
V Cionca, T Newe, VT Dădârlat
Journal of Network and Systems Management 20 (3), 417-452, 2012
A Fair Adaptive Data Rate Algorithm for LoRaWAN
KQ Abdelfadeel, V Cionca, D Pesch
arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.00522, 2018
Dynamic Context for Static Context Header Compression in LPWANs
KQ Abdelfadeel, V Cionca, D Pesch
2018 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor …, 2018
The Presidium of Wireless Sensor Networks - A Software Defined Wireless Sensor Network Architecture
D O'Shea, V Cionca, D Pesch
7th EAI International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management (MON-AMI), 2015
Exploiting pitfalls in software-defined networking implementation
D Smyth, V Cionca, S McSweeney, D O'Shea
2016 International Conference On Cyber Security And Protection Of Digital …, 2016
Poster: A fair adaptive data rate algorithm for lorawan
K Abdelfadeel, V Cionca, D Pesch
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Embedded Wireless …, 2018
JudiShare: Judicious resource allocation for QoS-based services in shared wireless sensor networks
V Cionca, R Marfievici, R Katona, D Pesch
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2018 IEEE, 1-6, 2018
SECAP Switch—Defeating Topology Poisoning Attacks Using P4 Data Planes
D Smyth, S Scott-Hayward, V Cionca, S McSweeney, D O’Shea
Journal of Network and Systems Management 31 (1), 28, 2023
MAllEC: Fast and optimal scheduling of energy consumption for energy harvesting devices
V Cionca, A McGibney, S Rea
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2018
Into the SMOG: The Stepping Stone to Centralized WSN Control
P Corbalán, R Marfievici, V Cionca, D O'Shea, D Pesch
Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), 2016 IEEE 13th International …, 2016
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Articles 1–20