Andreas Juffinger
Andreas Juffinger
Amazon Web Services
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Blog credibility ranking by exploiting verified content
A Juffinger, M Granitzer, E Lex
Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on Information credibility on the web, 51-58, 2009
Discovery and evaluation of non-taxonomic relations in domain ontologies
A Weichselbraun, G Wohlgenannt, A Scharl, M Granitzer, T Neidhart, ...
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies 4 (3), 212-222, 2009
Objectivity classification in online media
E Lex, A Juffinger, M Granitzer
Proceedings of the 21st ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia, 293-294, 2010
Dynamics of immobilized and native Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase by quasielastic neutron scattering
M Tehei, JC Smith, C Monk, J Ollivier, M Oettl, V Kurkal, JL Finney, ...
Biophysical Journal 90 (3), 1090-1097, 2006
Distributed Web2. 0 crawling for ontology evolution
A Juffinger, T Neidhart, A Weichselbraun, G Wohlgenannt, M Granitzer, ...
2007 2nd International Conference on Digital Information Management 2, 615-620, 2007
Efficient cross-domain classification of weblogs
E Lex, C Seifert, M Granitzer, A Juffinger
International Journal of Intelligent Computing Research 1 (3), 55-62, 2010
Crosslanguage blog mining and trend visualisation
A Juffinger, E Lex
Proceedings of the 18th international conference on World wide web, 1149-1150, 2009
A comparison of stylometric and lexical features for web genre classification and emotion classification in blogs
E Lex, A Juffinger, M Granitzer
2010 Workshops on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 10-14, 2010
Visualization Metaphors for Multi-modal Meeting Data.
V Sabol, C Gütl, T Neidhart, A Juffinger, W Klieber, M Granitzer, KC Graz
BTW Workshops, 250-269, 2007
Author consolidation across european national bibliographies and academic digital repositories
N Freire, R Wiermer, M Muhr, A Juffinger, C Latronico, V Charles
euroCRIS, 2012
Stylometric features for emotion level classification in news related blogs
E Lex, M Granitzer, M Muhr, A Juffinger
Adaptivity, Personalization and Fusion of Heterogeneous Information, 132-133, 2010
Automated ontology learning and validation using hypothesis testing
M Granitzer, A Scharl, A Weichselbraun, T Neidhart, A Juffinger, ...
Advances in Intelligent Web Mastering: Proceedings of the 5th Atlantic Web …, 2007
Supporting rights clearance for digitisation projects with the ARROW service
N Freire, G Scipione, M Muhr, A Juffinger
LIBER Quarterly: The Journal of the Association of European Research …, 2013
Automated blog classification: A cross domain approach
E Lex, C Seifert, M Granitzer, A Juffinger
Proceedings of the International Association for Development of the …, 2009
Crosslanguage retrieval based on wikipedia statistics
A Juffinger, R Kern, M Granitzer
Evaluating Systems for Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access: 9th …, 2009
Error tolerant large scale FRBRization
A Juffinger, E Lex, N Freire
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Very Large Digital Libraries (ECDL 2010 …, 2010
Evaluation of axiomatic approaches to crosslanguage retrieval
R Kern, A Juffinger, M Granitzer
Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages, 142-149, 2009
Facet Classification of Blogs: Know-Center at the TREC 2009 Blog Distillation Task.
E Lex, M Granitzer, A Juffinger
TREC, 2009
Exploiting Cooccurrence on Corpus and Document Level for Fair Crosslanguage Retrieval.
A Juffinger, R Kern, M Granitzer, G Know-Center
CLEF (Working Notes), 2008
Predicting text relevance from sequential reading behavior
M Pfeiffer, ARS AA, A Juffinger
Workshop at NIPS 2005, in Whistler, BC, Canada, on December 10, 2005., 25, 2005
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Articles 1–20