Eduardo Álvarez-Miranda
Eduardo Álvarez-Miranda
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The maximum weight connected subgraph problem
E Álvarez-Miranda, I Ljubić, P Mutzel
Facets of combinatorial optimization: Festschrift for Martin Grötschel, 245-270, 2013
An exact approach for the robust assembly line balancing problem
J Pereira, E Álvarez-Miranda
Omega 78, 85-98, 2018
The Recoverable Robust Facility Location Problem
E Alvarez-Miranda, E Fernández, I Ljubic
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 79, 93-120, 2015
On the complexity of assembly line balancing problems
E Álvarez-Miranda, J Pereira
Computers & Operations Research 108, 182-186, 2019
Minmax Regret Combinatorial Optimization Poblems: An Algorithmic Perspective
A Candia-Véjar, E Álvarez-Miranda
RAIRO-Oper. Res 45, 101-129, 2011
A multicriteria optimization model for sustainable forest management under climate change uncertainty: An application in Portugal
E Álvarez-Miranda, J Garcia-Gonzalo, F Ulloa-Fierro, A Weintraub, ...
European Journal of Operational Research 269 (1), 79-98, 2018
A simulation and optimisation methodology for choosing energy efficiency measures in non-residential buildings
I Ceballos-Fuentealba, E Álvarez-Miranda, C Torres-Fuchslocher, ...
Applied Energy 256, 113953, 2019
Optimization of the harvest planning in the olive oil production: A case study in Chile
C Herrera-Cáceres, F Pérez-Galarce, E Álvarez-Miranda, A Candia-Véjar
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 141, 147-159, 2017
In-depth data on the network structure and hourly activity of the central Chilean power grid
H Kim, D Olave-Rojas, E Álvarez-Miranda, SW Son
Scientific data 5 (1), 1-10, 2018
A note on the Bertsimas & Sim algorithm for robust combinatorial optimization problems
E Álvarez-Miranda, I Ljubić, P Toth
4OR 11, 349-360, 2013
The Rooted Maximum Node-Weight Connected Subgraph Problem
E Álvarez-Miranda, I Ljubic, P Mutzel
CPAIOR'13, 300-315, 2013
Robust unit commitment including frequency stability constraints
F Pérez-Illanes, E Álvarez-Miranda, C Rahmann, C Campos-Valdés
Energies 9 (11), 957, 2016
A novel districting design approach for on-time last-mile delivery: An application on an express postal company
MG Sandoval, E Álvarez-Miranda, J Pereira, RZ Ríos-Mercado, JA Díaz
Omega 113, 102687, 2022
A multicriteria stochastic optimization framework for sustainable forest decision making under uncertainty
E Álvarez-Miranda, J Garcia-Gonzalo, C Pais, A Weintraub
Forest Policy and Economics 103, 112-122, 2019
Exact approaches for solving robust prize-collecting Steiner tree problems
E Álvarez-Miranda, I Ljubić, P Toth
European Journal of Operational Research 229 (3), 599-612, 2013
Optimising the storage assignment and order-picking for the compact drive-in storage system
D Revillot-Narváez, F Pérez-Galarce, E Álvarez-Miranda
International Journal of Production Research 58 (22), 6949-6969, 2020
Alteration of Golgi structure by stress: a link to neurodegeneration?
E Álvarez-Miranda, H Farhan, M Sinnl
Frontiers in neuroscience 9, 2015
Assessing flexibility for integrating renewable energies into carbon neutral multi-regional systems: The case of the Chilean power system
P Vargas-Ferrer, E Álvarez-Miranda, C Tenreiro, F Jalil-Vega
Energy for Sustainable Development 70, 442-455, 2022
Integration of high levels of electrolytic hydrogen production: Impact on power systems planning
P Vargas-Ferrer, E Álvarez-Miranda, C Tenreiro, F Jalil-Vega
Journal of Cleaner Production 409, 137110, 2023
Two-stage robust UC including a novel scenario-based uncertainty model for wind power applications
E Álvarez-Miranda, C Campos-Valdés, C Rahmann
Energy Conversion and Management 101, 94-105, 2015
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