InAs/InGaAs quantum dot structures on GaAs substrates emitting at 1.3 μm VM Ustinov, NA Maleev, AE Zhukov, AR Kovsh, AY Egorov, AV Lunev, ...
Applied physics letters 74 (19), 2815-2817, 1999
522 1999 InAs-InGaAs quantum dot VCSELs on GaAs substrates emitting at 1.3 µm JA Lott, NN Ledentsov, VM Ustinov, NA Maleev, AE Zhukov, AR Kovsh, ...
Electronics Letters 36 (16), 1384-1385, 2000
351 2000 The role of Auger recombination in the temperature-dependent output characteristics of -doped 1.3 μm quantum dot lasers S Fathpour, Z Mi, P Bhattacharya, AR Kovsh, SS Mikhrin, IL Krestnikov, ...
Applied Physics Letters 85 (22), 5164-5166, 2004
318 2004 Quantum dot lasers: breakthrough in optoelectronics D Bimberg, M Grundmann, F Heinrichsdorff, NN Ledentsov, VM Ustinov, ...
Thin solid films 367 (1-2), 235-249, 2000
291 2000 Tuning quantum dot properties by activated phase separation of an InGa (Al) As alloy grown on InAs stressors MV Maximov, AF Tsatsul’nikov, BV Volovik, DS Sizov, YM Shernyakov, ...
Physical Review B 62 (24), 16671, 2000
258 2000 High performance quantum dot lasers on GaAs substrates operating in 1.5 µm range NN Ledentsov, AR Kovsh, AE Zhukov, NA Maleev, SS Mikhrin, ...
Electronics Letters 39 (15), 1126-1128, 2003
215 2003 High power temperature-insensitive 1.3 µm InAs/InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot lasers SS Mikhrin, AR Kovsh, IL Krestnikov, AV Kozhukhov, DA Livshits, ...
Semiconductor science and technology 20 (5), 340, 2005
197 2005 InAs/InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot lasers of 1.3 µm range with high (88%) differential efficiency AR Kovsh, NA Maleev, AE Zhukov, SS Mikhrin, AP Vasil'Ev, ...
Electronics Letters 38 (19), 1, 2002
195 2002 High-power picosecond and femtosecond pulse generation from a two-section mode-locked quantum-dot laser EU Rafailov, MA Cataluna, W Sibbett, ND Il’Inskaya, YM Zadiranov, ...
Applied Physics Letters 87 (8), 2005
193 2005 AlGaAs/GaAs photovoltaic cells with an array of InGaAs QDs SA Blokhin, AV Sakharov, AM Nadtochy, AS Pauysov, MV Maximov, ...
Semiconductors 43, 514-518, 2009
181 2009 Strain engineering of self-organized InAs quantum dots F Guffarth, R Heitz, A Schliwa, O Stier, NN Ledentsov, AR Kovsh, ...
Physical Review B 64 (8), 085305, 2001
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Electronics Letters 35 (11), 898-900, 1999
174 1999 Continuous-wave operation of long-wavelength quantum-dot diode laser on a GaAs substrate AE Zhukov, AR Kovsh, VM Ustinov, YM Shernyakov, SS Mikhrin, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 11 (11), 1345-1347, 1999
164 1999 Hole and electron emission from InAs quantum dots CMA Kapteyn, M Lion, R Heitz, D Bimberg, PN Brunkov, BV Volovik, ...
Applied Physics Letters 76 (12), 1573-1575, 2000
160 2000 InAs/InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot lasers of 1.3 μm range with enhanced optical gain AR Kovsh, NA Maleev, AE Zhukov, SS Mikhrin, AP Vasil’ev, ...
Journal of Crystal Growth 251 (1-4), 729-736, 2003
158 2003 Long-wavelength lasing from multiply stacked InAs/InGaAs quantum dots on GaAs substrates AE Zhukov, AR Kovsh, NA Maleev, SS Mikhrin, VM Ustinov, ...
Applied physics letters 75 (13), 1926-1928, 1999
156 1999 35GHz mode-locking of 1.3 μm quantum dot lasers M Kuntz, G Fiol, M Lämmlin, D Bimberg, MG Thompson, KT Tan, ...
Applied Physics Letters 85 (5), 843-845, 2004
152 2004 Quantum dot laser with 75nm broad spectrum of emission A Kovsh, I Krestnikov, D Livshits, S Mikhrin, J Weimert, A Zhukov
Optics letters 32 (7), 793-795, 2007
149 2007 Feedback sensitivity of 1.3 µm InAs/GaAs quantum dot lasers D O'Brien, SP Hegarty, G Huyet, JG McInerney, T Kettler, M Laemmlin, ...
Electronics Letters 39 (25), 1819-1820, 2003
140 2003 Electronic structure of self-assembled InAs quantum dots in GaAs matrix PN Brounkov, A Polimeni, ST Stoddart, M Henini, L Eaves, PC Main, ...
Applied physics letters 73 (8), 1092-1094, 1998
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