Pedro G. Blendinger
Pedro G. Blendinger
Instituto de Ecología Regional (CONICET-UNT); Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
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Putting plant resistance traits on the map: a test of the idea that plants are better defended at lower latitudes
AT Moles, IR Wallis, WJ Foley, DI Warton, JC Stegen, AJ Bisigato, ...
New Phytologist 191 (3), 777-788, 2011
Correlations between physical and chemical defences in plants: tradeoffs, syndromes, or just many different ways to skin a herbivorous cat?
AT Moles, B Peco, IR Wallis, WJ Foley, AGB Poore, EW Seabloom, ...
New Phytologist 198 (1), 252-263, 2013
Natural grasslands in the Chaco. A neglected ecosystem under threat by agriculture expansion and forest-oriented conservation policies
HR Grau, R Torres, NI Gasparri, PG Blendinger, S Marinaro, L Macchi
Journal of Arid Environments 123, 40-46, 2015
Land-use and land-cover effects on regional biodiversity distribution in a subtropical dry forest: a hierarchical integrative multi-taxa study
R Torres, NI Gasparri, PG Blendinger, HR Grau
Regional Environmental Change, 1-13, 2014
Morphological trait matching shapes plant–frugivore networks across the Andes
IMA Bender, WD Kissling, PG Blendinger, K Böhning‐Gaese, I Hensen, ...
Ecography 41 (11), 1910-1919, 2018
Mapping extinction debt highlights conservation opportunities for birds and mammals in the South American Chaco
A Semper‐Pascual, L Macchi, FM Sabatini, J Decarre, M Baumann, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2018
Crop size, plant aggregation, and microhabitat type affect fruit removal by birds from individual melastome plants in the Upper Amazon
PG Blendinger, BA Loiselle, JG Blake
Oecologia 158 (2), 273-283, 2008
Fine‐tuning the fruit‐tracking hypothesis: spatiotemporal links between fruit availability and fruit consumption by birds in Andean mountain forests
PG Blendinger, RA Ruggera, MG Núñez Montellano, L Macchi, PV Zelaya, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 81 (6), 1298-1310, 2012
Seed supply as a limiting factor for granivorous bird assemblages in the Monte Desert, Argentina
PG Blendinger, RA Ojeda
Austral Ecology 26 (4), 413-422, 2001
Downsizing of animal communities triggers stronger functional than structural decay in seed-dispersal networks
I Donoso, MC Sorensen, PG Blendinger, WD Kissling, EL Neuschulz, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 1582, 2020
Crop size is more important than neighborhood fruit availability for fruit removal of Eugenia uniflora (Myrtaceae) by bird seed dispersers
PG Blendinger, M Villegas
Plant Ecology 212 (5), 889-899, 2011
Mammals in South American drylands: faunal similarity and trophic structure
RA Ojeda, PG Blendinger, R Brandl
Global Ecology and Biogeography 9 (2), 115-123, 2000
Ecological redundancy in seed dispersal systems: a comparison between manakins (Aves: Pipridae) in two tropical forests
BA Loiselle, PG Blendinger, JG Blake, TB Ryder
Seed dispersal: theory and its application in a changing world. CABI …, 2007
Effect of habitat and landscape structure on waterbird abundance in wetlands of central Argentina
PG Brandolin, PG Blendinger
Wetlands Ecology and Management 24 (1), 93-105, 2016
Seed‐dispersal networks are more specialized in the Neotropics than in the Afrotropics
PJ Dugger, PG Blendinger, K Böhning‐Gaese, L Chama, M Correia, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 28 (2), 248-261, 2019
Trade‐offs between biodiversity and agriculture are moving targets in dynamic landscapes
L Macchi, J Decarre, AP Goijman, M Mastrangelo, PG Blendinger, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (10), 2054-2063, 2020
Linking structure and functionality in mutualistic networks: do core frugivores disperse more seeds than peripheral species?
RA Ruggera, PG Blendinger, MD Gomez, C Marshak
Oikos 125 (4), 541-555, 2016
Abundance and diversity of small-bird assemblages in the Monte desert, Argentina
PG Blendinger
Journal of arid environments 61 (4), 567-587, 2005
Fruit selection by Andean forest birds: influence of fruit functional traits and their temporal variation
PG Blendinger, E Martín, O Osinaga Acosta, RA Ruggera, E Aráoz
Biotropica 48 (5), 677-686, 2016
Selva pedemontana de las Yungas: historia natural, ecología y manejo de un ecosistema en peligro
AD Brown, PG Blendinger, T Lomáscolo, P García Bes
Buenos Aires: Ediciones del Subtrópico, 2009
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Articles 1–20