Russell Rumberger
Cited by
Cited by
Dropping out of middle school: A multilevel analysis of students and schools
RW Rumberger
American educational Research journal 32 (3), 583-625, 1995
High school dropouts: A review of issues and evidence
RW Rumberger
Review of educational research 57 (2), 101-121, 1987
Dropping out: Why students drop out of high school and what can be done about it
RW Rumberger
Harvard University Press, 2011
Dropping out of high school: The influence of race, sex, and family background
RW Rumberger
American educational research journal 20 (2), 199-220, 1983
Student mobility and the increased risk of high school dropout
RW Rumberger, KA Larson
American journal of Education 107 (1), 1-35, 1998
Does segregation still matter? The impact of student composition on academic achievement in high school
RW Rumberger, GJ Palardy
Teachers college record 107 (9), 1999-2045, 2005
Why students drop out of school: A review of 25 years of research
RW Rumberger, SA Lim
California Dropout Research Project 15, 1-130, 2008
How much is too much? The influence of preschool centers on children's social and cognitive development
S Loeb, M Bridges, D Bassok, B Fuller, RW Rumberger
Economics of Education review 26 (1), 52-66, 2007
The distribution of dropout and turnover rates among urban and suburban high schools
RW Rumberger, SL Thomas
Sociology of education, 39-67, 2000
English learners in California schools: Unequal resources,'unequal outcomes
P Gandara, R Rumberger, J Maxwell-Jolly, R Callahan
Education policy analysis archives 11, 36-36, 2003
Why students drop out of school
RW Rumberger
Dropouts in America: Confronting the graduation rate crisis, 131-155, 2004
Family influences on dropout behavior in one California high school
RW Rumberger, R Ghatak, G Poulos, PL Ritter, SM Dornbusch
Sociology of education, 283-299, 1990
The impact of surplus schooling on productivity and earnings
RW Rumberger
Journal of Human resources, 24-50, 1987
Teacher effectiveness in first grade: The importance of background qualifications, attitudes, and instructional practices for student learning
GJ Palardy, RW Rumberger
Educational evaluation and policy analysis 30 (2), 111-140, 2008
Student engagement, peer social capital, and school dropout among Mexican American and non-Latino white students
RK Ream, RW Rumberger
Sociology of education 81 (2), 109-139, 2008
Test scores, dropout rates, and transfer rates as alternative indicators of high school performance
RW Rumberger, GJ Palardy
American educational research journal 42 (1), 3-42, 2005
The causes and consequences of student mobility
RW Rumberger
Journal of Negro Education, 6-21, 2003
The economic returns to college major, quality and performance: A multilevel analysis of recent graduates
RW Rumberger, SL Thomas
Economics of Education Review 12 (1), 1-19, 1993
Toward explaining differences in educational achievement among Mexican American language-minority students
RW Rumberger, KA Larson
Sociology of education, 68-92, 1998
The impact of surplus schooling on worker productivity
MC Tsang, RW Rumberger, HM Levin
Industrial relations: a journal of economy and society 30 (2), 209-228, 1991
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