Raymond P. Hicks
Raymond P. Hicks
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Causal mediation analysis
R Hicks, D Tingley
The Stata Journal 11 (4), 605-619, 2011
Price stability and central bank independence: Discipline, credibility, and democratic institutions
C Bodea, R Hicks
International Organization 69 (1), 35-61, 2015
International finance and central bank independence: Institutional diffusion and the flow and cost of capital
C Bodea, R Hicks
The Journal of Politics 77 (1), 268-284, 2015
Trade policy, economic interests, and party politics in a developing country: The political economy of CAFTA-DR
R Hicks, HV Milner, D Tingley
International Studies Quarterly 58 (1), 106-117, 2014
Central bank independence before and after the crisis
J De Haan, C Bodea, R Hicks, SCW Eijffinger
Comparative Economic Studies 60, 183-202, 2018
Reciprocal trade agreements in Asia: credible commitment to trade liberalization or paper tigers?
R Hicks, SY Kim
Journal of East Asian Studies 12 (1), 1-29, 2012
Reputations, perceptions, and international economic agreements
J Gray, RP Hicks
International Interactions 40 (3), 325-349, 2014
Politics, institutions, and trade: Lessons of the interwar era
J Gowa, R Hicks
International Organization 67 (3), 439-467, 2013
Do we really know the WTO cures cancer?
S Chaudoin, J Hays, R Hicks
British Journal of Political Science 48 (4), 903-928, 2018
Sovereign credit ratings and central banks: Why do analysts pay attention to institutions?
C Bodea, R Hicks
Economics & Politics 30 (3), 340-365, 2018
Commerce and conflict: New data about the Great War
J Gowa, R Hicks
British Journal of Political Science 47 (3), 653-674, 2017
Diplomatic documents data for international relations: the Freedom of Information Archive Database
MJ Connelly, R Hicks, R Jervis, A Spirling, CH Suong
Conflict Management and Peace Science 38 (6), 762-781, 2021
The most-favored nation rule in principle and practice: Discrimination in the GATT
J Gowa, R Hicks
The Review of International Organizations 7, 247-266, 2012
Credible Commitment through PTAs and their Effects on Trade: A Study of Asia's Reciprocal Trade Agreements
SY Kim, R Hicks
APSA 2009 Toronto Meeting Paper, 2009
Does enforcement matter? Judicialization in PTAs and trade flows
R Hicks, SY Kim
World Trade Review 14 (S1), S83-S106, 2015
“Big” treaties, small effects: the RTAA agreements
J Gowa, R Hicks
World Politics 70 (2), 165-193, 2018
New evidence and new methods for analyzing the Iranian revolution as an intelligence failure
M Connelly, R Hicks, R Jervis, A Spirling
Intelligence and National Security 36 (6), 781-806, 2021
Methodological issues
R Hicks, L Martin
The Oxford Handbook of the Political Economy of International Trade, 77, 2015
Do we really know the wto cures cancer? false positives and the effects of international institutions
S Chaudoin, J Hays, R Hicks
8th Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations, 2014
Globalization and central bank independence: a partisan explanation
R Hicks
Unpublished Manuscript. Department of Politics, Princeton University, 2004
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