Meike Morren
Meike Morren
Assistant Professor of Marketing & Sustainable Consumer Choices, VU university
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Cited by
Explaining environmental behavior across borders: A meta-analysis
M Morren, A Grinstein
Journal of Environmental Psychology 47, 91-106, 2016
Please do not answer if you are reading this: Respondent attention in online panels
LJ Paas, M Morren
Marketing Letters 29, 13-21, 2018
Dealing with extreme response style in cross-cultural research: A restricted latent class factor analysis approach
M Morren, JPTM Gelissen, JK Vermunt
Sociological Methodology 41 (1), 13-47, 2011
The cross-cultural challenges of integrating personal norms into the Theory of Planned Behavior: A meta-analytic structural equation modeling (MASEM) approach
M Morren, A Grinstein
Journal of Environmental Psychology 75, 101593, 2021
The impact of controlling for extreme responding on measurement equivalence in cross-cultural research
M Morren, J Gelissen, J Vermunt
Methodology, 2012
Changing diets-Testing the impact of knowledge and information nudges on sustainable dietary choices
M Morren, JM Mol, JE Blasch, Ž Malek
Journal of Environmental Psychology 75, 101610, 2021
Response strategies and response styles in cross-cultural surveys
M Morren, JPTM Gelissen, JK Vermunt
Cross-Cultural Research 46 (3), 255-279, 2012
Short and long instructional manipulation checks: What do they measure?
M Morren, LJ Paas
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 32 (4), 790-800, 2020
Exploring the response process of culturally differing survey respondents with a response style: A sequential mixed methods study
M Morren, JPTM Gelissen, JK Vermunt
Field Methods 25 (2), 162-181, 2013
Verklaringsmodel verpleging en verzorging 2007
JJ Jonker, K Sadiraj, I Woittiez, M Ras, M Morren
Verklaringsmodel verpleging en verzorging
J Jonker, K Sadiraj, I Woittiez, M Ras, M Morren
Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, The Hague, 2007
Reinforcement Learning-Based SPARQL Join Ordering Optimizer
R Eschauzier, R Taelman, M Morren, R Verborgh
European Semantic Web Conference, 43-47, 2023
Health & Wealth: is weight loss success related to monetary savings in US adults of low-income? Findings from a National Study
K Shuval, BM Fennis, Q Li, A Grinstein, M Morren, J Drope
BMC public health 19, 1-7, 2019
Driving public support for a meat tax: Fiscal policies and behavioral interventions
A Erhard, S Banerjee, M Morren
SustainableFood Discussion Paper, 2024
The survey response: A mixed method study of cross-cultural differences in responding to attitude statements
MH Morren
Investigating extreme response style across cultural groups in the Netherlands using Latent Class Factor Models
M Morren, J GELISSEN, JK Vermunt
International Conference on Survey Methods in Multinational, Multiregional …, 2008
Assessing private solutions to collective action problems in a 34-nation study
E Malthouse, C Pilgrim, D Sgroi, M Accerenzi, A Alfonso, RU Ashraf, ...
Right-wing backing a meat tax? Experimental evidence from Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands.
S Banerjee, M Morren
RTG 2654 Sustainable Food Systems
A Erhard, S Banerjee, M Morren
Eric Fromm at Touché: Prompts vs FineTuning for Human Value Detection
R Mishra, M Morren
25th Working Notes of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, CLEF …, 2024
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Articles 1–20