Piergiorgio Scarlato
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Conduit processes during the July–August 2001 explosive activity of Mt. Etna (Italy): inferences from glass chemistry and crystal size distribution of ash particles
J Taddeucci, M Pompilio, P Scarlato
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 137 (1-3), 33-54, 2004
Sector-zoned clinopyroxene as a recorder of magma history, eruption triggers, and ascent rates
T Ubide, S Mollo, J Zhao, M Nazzari, P Scarlato
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 251, 265-283, 2019
A new test for equilibrium based on clinopyroxene–melt pairs: clues on the solidification temperatures of Etnean alkaline melts at post-eruptive conditions
S Mollo, K Putirka, V Misiti, M Soligo, P Scarlato
Chemical Geology 352, 92-100, 2013
Solubility of H2O and CO2 in ultrapotassic melts at 1200 and 1250 °C and pressure from 50 to 500 MPa
H Behrens, V Misiti, C Freda, F Vetere, RE Botcharnikov, P Scarlato
American Mineralogist 94 (1), 105-120, 2009
Dependence of clinopyroxene composition on cooling rate in basaltic magmas: Implications for thermobarometry
S Mollo, P Del Gaudio, G Ventura, G Iezzi, P Scarlato
Lithos 118 (3-4), 302-312, 2010
High‐speed imaging of Strombolian explosions: The ejection velocity of pyroclasts
J Taddeucci, P Scarlato, A Capponi, E Del Bello, C Cimarelli, ...
Geophysical research letters 39 (2), 2012
Eruptive history and petrologic evolution of the Albano multiple maar (Alban Hills, Central Italy)
C Freda, M Gaeta, DB Karner, F Marra, PR Renne, J Taddeucci, ...
Bulletin of Volcanology 68, 567-591, 2006
Carbonate assimilation in magmas: a reappraisal based on experimental petrology
S Mollo, M Gaeta, C Freda, T Di Rocco, V Misiti, P Scarlato
Lithos 114 (3-4), 503-514, 2010
Monitoring the explosive activity of the July–August 2001 eruption of Mt. Etna (Italy) by ash characterization
J Taddeucci, M Pompilio, P Scarlato
Geophysical Research Letters 29 (8), 71-1-71-4, 2002
Magma–carbonate interaction: an experimental study on ultrapotassic rocks from Alban Hills (Central Italy)
C Freda, M Gaeta, V Misiti, S Mollo, D Dolfi, P Scarlato
Lithos 101 (3-4), 397-415, 2008
The thickness of the falling film of liquid around a Taylor bubble
EW Llewellin, E Del Bello, J Taddeucci, P Scarlato, SJ Lane
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2012
The partitioning of trace elements between clinopyroxene and trachybasaltic melt during rapid cooling and crystal growth
S Mollo, JD Blundy, G Iezzi, P Scarlato, A Langone
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 166, 1633-1654, 2013
Volatile diffusion in silicate melts and its effects on melt inclusions
DR Baker, C Freda, RA Brooker, P Scarlato
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), 2005
From field geology to earthquake simulation: a new state-of-the-art tool to investigate rock friction during the seismic cycle (SHIVA)
G Di Toro, A Niemeijer, A Tripoli, S Nielsen, F Di Felice, P Scarlato, ...
Rendiconti Lincei 21, 95-114, 2010
Time-dependent geochemistry of clinopyroxene from the Alban Hills (Central Italy): clues to the source and evolution of ultrapotassic magmas
M Gaeta, C Freda, JN Christensen, L Dallai, F Marra, DB Karner, ...
Lithos 86 (3-4), 330-346, 2006
Post-caldera activity in the Alban Hills volcanic district (Italy): 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and insights into magma evolution
F Marra, C Freda, P Scarlato, J Taddeucci, DB Karner, PR Renne, ...
Bulletin of Volcanology 65, 227-247, 2003
CO2-driven large mafic explosive eruptions: the Pozzolane Rosse case study from the Colli Albani Volcanic District (Italy)
C Freda, M Gaeta, B Giaccio, F Marra, DM Palladino, P Scarlato, G Sottili
Bulletin of Volcanology 73, 241-256, 2011
Aggregation-dominated ash settling from the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic cloud illuminated by field and laboratory high-speed imaging
J Taddeucci, P Scarlato, C Montanaro, C Cimarelli, E Del Bello, C Freda, ...
Geology 39 (9), 891-894, 2011
Plagioclase–melt (dis) equilibrium due to cooling dynamics: implications for thermometry, barometry and hygrometry
S Mollo, K Putirka, G Iezzi, P Del Gaudio, P Scarlato
Lithos 125 (1-2), 221-235, 2011
Reconstruction of magmatic variables governing recent Etnean eruptions: Constraints from mineral chemistry and P–T–fO2–H2O modeling
S Mollo, PP Giacomoni, M Coltorti, C Ferlito, G Iezzi, P Scarlato
Lithos 212, 311-320, 2015
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