Alexander Munch-Hansen
Alexander Munch-Hansen
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Mozarella: Efficient Vector-OLE and Zero-Knowledge Proofs over 
C Baum, L Braun, A Munch-Hansen, P Scholl
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 329-358, 2022
Appenzeller to brie: efficient zero-knowledge proofs for mixed-mode arithmetic and Z2k
C Baum, L Braun, A Munch-Hansen, B Razet, P Scholl
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2021
Stronger notions and a more efficient construction of threshold ring signatures
A Munch-Hansen, C Orlandi, S Yakoubov
International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security in Latin …, 2021
Stronger notions and a more efficient construction of threshold ring signatures
A Munch-Hansen, C Orlandi, S Yakoubov
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2020
Cheddar--Oh, Range Proofs for VOLE-based Zero-Knowledge!
A Munch-Hansen, C Baum, P Scholl, L Braun
Pecorino: More Efficient Zero-Knowledge for RAM Programs
A Munch-Hansen, A Malozemoff, M Rosen
Quattro Formaggi: Zero-Knowledge from VOLE
A Munch-Hansen
Appenzeller to Brie: Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Mixed-Mode Arithmetic and Z2𝑘
C Baum, L Braun, A Munch-Hansen, P Scholl
MozZ2karella: Efficient Vector-OLE and Zero-Knowledge Proofs Over Z2k
A Munch-Hansen, P Scholl
Stronger Notions and a More Efficient Construction of Threshold Ring Signatures (Full Version)
A Munch-Hansen, C Orlandi, S Yakoubov
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Artikel 1–10