Toshihiro Hiraoka
Toshihiro Hiraoka
Mobirity Research Division, Japan Automobile Research Institute (JARI)
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Heart rate variability-based driver drowsiness detection and its validation with EEG
K Fujiwara, E Abe, K Kamata, C Nakayama, Y Suzuki, T Yamakawa, ...
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 66 (6), 1769-1778, 2018
Automatic path-tracking controller of a four-wheel steering vehicle
T Hiraoka, O Nishihara, H Kumamoto
Vehicle System Dynamics 47 (10), 1205-1227, 2009
Quantitative evaluation of eco-driving on fuel consumption based on driving simulator experiments
T Hiraoka, Y Terakado, S Matsumoto, S Yamabe
Proceedings of the 16th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, 21-25, 2009
Modeling of driver following behavior based on minimum-jerk theory
T Hiraoka, T Kunimatsu, O Nishihara, H Kumamoto
Proc. 12th World Congress ITS, 2005
Model-following sliding mode control for active four-wheel steering vehicle
T Hiraoka, O Nishihara, H Kumamoto
Review of Automotive Engineering 25 (3), 305, 2004
Development of drowsiness detection method by integrating heart rate variability analysis and multivariate statistical process control
E Abe, K Fujiwara, T Hiraoka, T Yamakawa, M Kano
SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration 9 (1), 10-17, 2016
Comparison of Evaluation Indices concerning Estimation of Driver's Risk Perception-Risk perception of rear-end collision to a preceding vehicle
S Kitajima, Y Marumo, T Hiraoka, M Itoh
Review of Automotive Engineering 30 (2), 191-198, 2009
Collision risk evaluation index based on deceleration for collision avoidance (first report)-Proposal of a new index to evaluate collision risk against forward obstacles
T Hiraoka, M Tanaka, H Kumamoto, T Izumi, K Hatanaka
Review of Automotive Engineering 30 (4), 429-437, 2009
Development of drowsy driving accident prediction by heart rate variability analysis
E Abe, K Fujiwara, T Hiraoka, T Yamakawa, M Kano
Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference …, 2014
Effectiveness of forward obstacles collision warning system based on deceleration for collision avoidance
S Takada, T Hiraoka, H Kawakami
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 8 (6), 570-579, 2014
Sideslip angle estimation and active front steering system based on lateral acceleration data at centers of percussion with respect to front/rear wheels
T Hiraoka
JSAE review 25 (1), 37-42, 2004
Comparing eye-tracking metrics of mental workload caused by NDRTs in semi-autonomous driving
W Chen, T Sawaragi, T Hiraoka
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 89, 109-128, 2022
Driver-assistance system to encourage spontaneous eco-driving behavior
T Hiraoka, S Nishikawa, H Kawakami
Proceedings of 18th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM, 2011
Fault tolerant design for x-by-wire vehicle
T Hiraoka, S Eto, O Nishihara, H Kumamoto
SICE 2004 Annual conference 3, 1940-1945, 2004
Driving behavior model considering driver's over-trust in driving automation system
H Liu, T Hiraoka
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Automotive User …, 2019
Cognitive function training system using game-based design for elderly drivers
T Hiraoka, TW Wang, H Kawakami
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (19), 579-584, 2016
Collision Risk Evaluation Index Based on Deceleration for Collision Avoidance (Second Report)-Forward obstacle collision warning system based on deceleration for collision …
T Hiraoka, M Tanaka, S Tekeuchi, H Kumamoto, T Izumi, K Hatanaka
Review of Automotive Engineering 30 (4), 439-447, 2009
Driving/Braking force distribution by minimax optimization of tire workload (Case of active four-wheel steering for zero-sideslip Control)
Journal of JSME (Series C) Vol. 71, No. 704, 1238-1246, 2005
Cooperative steering system based on vehicle sideslip angle estimation from side acceleration data at percussion centers
T Hiraoka, H Kumamoto, O Nishihara, K Tenmoku
IVEC2001. Proceedings of the IEEE International Vehicle Electronics …, 2001
Adaptive multi-modal interface model concerning mental workload in take-over request during semi-autonomous driving
W Chen, T Sawaragi, T Hiraoka
SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration 14 (2), 10-21, 2021
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