Harumasa Yoshida. 吉田治正 JH2VMN
Harumasa Yoshida. 吉田治正 JH2VMN
Freelance Scientist, Former Research Professor of Mie University, Japan.
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The ATLAS experiment at the CERN large hadron collider
SM Alam, B Athar, S Timm, F Wappler, L Zhichao, H Ahmed, ...
Journal of instrumentation 3 (8), S08003-S08003, 2008
Demonstration of an ultraviolet 336 nm AlGaN multiple-quantum-well laser diode
H Yoshida, Y Yamashita, M Kuwabara, H Kan
Applied physics letters 93 (24), 2008
A 342-nm ultraviolet AlGaN multiple-quantum-well laser diode
H Yoshida, Y Yamashita, M Kuwabara, H Kan
nature photonics 2 (9), 551-554, 2008
Propionate suppresses hepatic gluconeogenesis via GPR43/AMPK signaling pathway
H Yoshida, M Ishii, M Akagawa
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 672, 108057, 2019
ATLAS: Technical proposal for a general-purpose pp experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
WW Armstrong, W Burris, DM Gingrich, P Green, LG Greeniaus, ...
Analysis of time allocation, departure time, and route choice behavior under congestion pricing
T Yamamoto, S Fujii, R Kitamura, H Yoshida
Transportation research record 1725 (1), 95-101, 2000
AC energized ferroelectric pellet bed gas cleaner
A Mizuno, Y Yamazaki, H Ito, H Yoshida
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 28 (3), 535-540, 1992
Radiative and nonradiative recombination in an ultraviolet GaN/AlGaN multiple-quantum-well laser diode
H Yoshida, M Kuwabara, Y Yamashita, K Uchiyama, H Kan
Applied Physics Letters 96 (21), 2010
AlGaN-based laser diodes for the short-wavelength ultraviolet region
H Yoshida, M Kuwabara, Y Yamashita, Y Takagi, K Uchiyama, H Kan
New Journal of Physics 11 (12), 125013, 2009
Hybrid vehicle and method of controlling the same
N Kanada, H Yoshida, T Mogari, T Suzuki
US Patent App. 11/991,157, 2009
Does higher general trust serve as a psychosocial buffer against social pain? An NIRS study of social exclusion
K Yanagisawa, K Masui, K Furutani, M Nomura, M Ura, H Yoshida
Social Neuroscience 6 (2), 190-197, 2011
Entirely crack-free ultraviolet GaN/AlGaN laser diodes grown on 2-in. sapphire substrate
H Yoshida, Y Takagi, M Kuwabara, H Amano, H Kan
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 46 (9R), 5782, 2007
Novel UV devices on high-quality AlGaN using grooved underlying layer
H Tsuzuki, F Mori, K Takeda, M Iwaya, S Kamiyama, H Amano, I Akasaki, ...
Journal of crystal growth 311 (10), 2860-2863, 2009
Fabrication of deep-ultraviolet-light-source tube using Si-doped AlGaN
Y Shimahara, H Miyake, K Hiramatsu, F Fukuyo, T Okada, H Takaoka, ...
Applied physics express 4 (4), 042103, 2011
Formation of GaN self-organized nanotips by reactive ion etching
H Yoshida, T Urushido, H Miyake, K Hiramatsu
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 40 (12A), L1301, 2001
Audio apparatus
R Matsumoto, D Ishikawa, H Yoshida, M Hamada, C Akaishi
US Patent 6,388,951, 2002
High‐performance UV emitter grown on high‐crystalline‐quality AlGaN underlying layer
H Tsuzuki, F Mori, K Takeda, T Ichikawa, M Iwaya, S Kamiyama, H Amano, ...
physica status solidi (a) 206 (6), 1199-1204, 2009
Dose-dependent response of plasma ghrelin and growth hormone concentrations to bovine ghrelin in Holstein heifers
H ThidarMyint, H Yoshida, T Ito, H Kuwayama
Journal of endocrinology 189 (3), 655-664, 2006
A 350-nm-band GaN/AlGaN multiple-quantum-well laser diode on bulk GaN
Y Aoki, M Kuwabara, Y Yamashita, Y Takagi, A Sugiyama, H Yoshida
Applied Physics Letters 107 (15), 2015
Hyperfine fields and spin-lattice relaxation of impurity nuclei in ferromagnetic transition metals
J Kanamori, HK Yoshida, K Terakura
Hyperfine Interactions 9 (1-4), 363-378, 1981
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