Alejandra Moreno-Letelier
Alejandra Moreno-Letelier
Assistant professor, Instituto de Biologia UNAM
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Biodiversity in the Mexican highlands and the interaction of geology, geography and climate within the Trans‐Mexican Volcanic Belt
A Mastretta‐Yanes, A Moreno‐Letelier, D Piñero, TH Jorgensen, ...
Journal of Biogeography 42 (9), 1586-1600, 2015
Evolution of species interactions determines microbial community productivity in new environments
F Fiegna, A Moreno-Letelier, T Bell, TG Barraclough
The ISME journal 9 (5), 1235-1245, 2015
Effect of biodiversity changes in disease risk: exploring disease emergence in a plant-virus system
I Pagán, P González-Jara, A Moreno-Letelier, M Rodelo-Urrego, A Fraile, ...
PLoS Pathogens 8 (7), e1002796, 2012
Phylogeographic structure of Pinus strobiformis Engelm. across the Chihuahuan Desert filter‐barrier
A Moreno‐Letelier, D Piñero
Journal of biogeography 36 (1), 121-131, 2009
Impact of Human Management on the Genetic Variation of Wild Pepper, Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum
P González-Jara, A Moreno-Letelier, A Fraile, D Piñero, F García-Arenal
PLoS one 6 (12), e28715, 2011
Genomic variation in recently collected maize landraces from Mexico
MC Arteaga, A Moreno-Letelier, A Mastretta-Yanes, A Vázquez-Lobo, ...
Genomics data 7, 38-45, 2016
Landscape heterogeneity shapes host‐parasite interactions and results in apparent plant–virus codivergence
M Rodelo‐Urrego, I Pagán, P González‐Jara, M Betancourt, ...
Molecular Ecology 22 (8), 2325-2340, 2013
Multi‐locus phylogenetics, lineage sorting, and reticulation in Pinus subsection Australes
DS Gernandt, X Aguirre Dugua, A Vázquez‐Lobo, A Willyard, ...
American Journal of Botany 105 (4), 711-725, 2018
The lost world of Cuatro Cienegas Basin, a relictual bacterial niche in a desert oasis
V Souza, A Moreno-Letelier, M Travisano, LD Alcaraz, G Olmedo, ...
elife 7, e38278, 2018
Divergence and phylogeny of Firmicutes from the Cuatro Ciénegas Basin, Mexico: a window to an ancient ocean
A Moreno-Letelier, G Olmedo-Alvarez, LE Eguiarte, V Souza
Astrobiology 12 (7), 674-684, 2012
Evolutionary ecology of Agave: distribution patterns, phylogeny, and coevolution (an homage to Howard S. Gentry)
LE Eguiarte, OA Jiménez Barrón, E Aguirre‐Planter, E Scheinvar, ...
American Journal of Botany 108 (2), 216-235, 2021
Long‐term in situ persistence of biodiversity in tropical sky islands revealed by landscape genomics
A Mastretta‐Yanes, AT Xue, A Moreno‐Letelier, TH Jorgensen, N Alvarez, ...
Molecular Ecology 27 (2), 432-448, 2018
Parallel Evolution and Horizontal Gene Transfer of the pst Operon in Firmicutes from Oligotrophic Environments
A Moreno-Letelier, G Olmedo, LE Eguiarte, L Martinez-Castilla, V Souza
International journal of evolutionary biology 2011, 2011
Testing the link between population genetic differentiation and clade diversification in Costa Rican orchids
Y Kisel, AC Moreno‐Letelier, D Bogarín, MP Powell, MW Chase, ...
Evolution, 2012
Late Miocene lineage divergence and ecological differentiation of rare endemic Juniperus blancoi: clues for the diversification of North American conifers
A Moreno‐Letelier, A Mastretta‐Yanes, TG Barraclough
New Phytologist 203 (1), 335-347, 2014
Saturating effects of species diversity on life-history evolution in bacteria
F Fiegna, T Scheuerl, A Moreno-Letelier, T Bell, TG Barraclough
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1815), 20151794, 2015
Phylogenetics of Pinus subsection Cembroides Engelm.(Pinaceae) inferred from low-copy nuclear gene sequences
JR Montes, P Peláez, A Willyard, A Moreno-Letelier, D Piñero, ...
Systematic Botany 44 (3), 501-518, 2019
Niche divergence versus neutral processes: combined environmental and genetic analyses identify contrasting patterns of differentiation in recently diverged pine species
A Moreno-Letelier, A Ortíz-Medrano, D Piñero
PLoS One 8 (10), e78228, 2013
The relevance of gene flow with wild relatives in understanding the domestication process
A Moreno-Letelier, JA Aguirre-Liguori, D Piñero, A Vázquez-Lobo, ...
Royal Society Open Science 7 (4), 191545, 2020
Fragmentación y expansión demográfica en las poblaciones mexicanas de Pinus Ayacahuite Var. Ayacahuite
Boletín de la Sociedad Botánica de México, 25-36, 2008
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