Francesco Bariani
Francesco Bariani
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Observation of coherent many-body Rabi oscillations
YO Dudin, L Li, F Bariani, A Kuzmich
Nature Physics 8 (11), 790-794, 2012
Quantum optomechanical heat engine
K Zhang, F Bariani, P Meystre
Physical review letters 112 (15), 150602, 2014
Dephasing of multiparticle Rydberg excitations for fast entanglement generation
F Bariani, YO Dudin, TAB Kennedy, A Kuzmich
Physical review letters 108 (3), 030501, 2012
Generation of macroscopic quantum superpositions of optomechanical oscillators by dissipation
H Tan, F Bariani, G Li, P Meystre
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (2), 023817, 2013
Theory of an optomechanical quantum heat engine
K Zhang, F Bariani, P Meystre
Physical Review A 90 (2), 023819, 2014
Hybrid optomechanical cooling by atomic systems
F Bariani, S Singh, LF Buchmann, M Vengalattore, P Meystre
Physical Review A 90 (3), 033838, 2014
Proposal for an optomechanical microwave sensor at the subphoton level
K Zhang, F Bariani, Y Dong, W Zhang, P Meystre
Physical review letters 114 (11), 113601, 2015
Atom-based coherent quantum-noise cancellation in optomechanics
F Bariani, H Seok, S Singh, M Vengalattore, P Meystre
Physical Review A 92 (4), 043817, 2015
Optical properties of atomic Mott insulators: From slow light to dynamical Casimir effects
I Carusotto, M Antezza, F Bariani, S De Liberato, C Ciuti
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (6), 063621, 2008
Emergence of spatial spin-wave correlations in a cold atomic gas
YO Dudin, F Bariani, A Kuzmich
Physical Review Letters 109 (13), 133602, 2012
Work measurement in an optomechanical quantum heat engine
Y Dong, K Zhang, F Bariani, P Meystre
Physical Review A 92 (3), 033854, 2015
Dephasing dynamics of Rydberg atom spin waves
F Bariani, PM Goldbart, TAB Kennedy
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (4), 041802, 2012
Entanglement of neutral-atom chains by spin-exchange Rydberg interaction
XF Shi, F Bariani, TAB Kennedy
Physical Review A 90 (6), 062327, 2014
Phonon cooling by an optomechanical heat pump
Y Dong, F Bariani, P Meystre
Physical Review Letters 115 (22), 223602, 2015
Single-atom quantum control of macroscopic mechanical oscillators
F Bariani, J Otterbach, H Tan, P Meystre
Physical Review A 89 (1), 011801, 2014
Retrieval of multiple spin waves from a weakly excited, metastable atomic ensemble
F Bariani, TAB Kennedy
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (3), 033811, 2012
Light propagation in atomic Mott Insulators
F Bariani, I Carusotto
Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications 3, 08005, 2008
Photon wave-packet manipulation via dynamic electromagnetically induced transparency in multilayer structures
F Bariani, I Carusotto
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (1), 013836, 2010
Hybrid optomechanical cooling via atomic three-level schemes
F Bariani, P Meystre, S Singh, L Buchmann, M Vengalattore
Frontiers in Optics, FW1C. 5, 2014
Optomechanical microwave sensor at the sub-photon level
K Zhang, F Bariani, Y Dong, W Zhang, P Meystre
arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.0070, 2014
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