Mark A Tommerdahl
Mark A Tommerdahl
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Impaired tactile processing in children with autism spectrum disorder
NAJ Puts, EL Wodka, M Tommerdahl, SH Mostofsky, RAE Edden
Journal of neurophysiology 111 (9), 1803-1811, 2014
Reduced GABA and altered somatosensory function in children with autism spectrum disorder
NAJ Puts, EL Wodka, AD Harris, D Crocetti, M Tommerdahl, SH Mostofsky, ...
Autism Research 10 (4), 608-619, 2017
Vibrotactile adaptation fails to enhance spatial localization in adults with autism
M Tommerdahl, V Tannan, CJ Cascio, GT Baranek, BL Whitsel
Brain Research 1154, 116-123, 2007
Role of primary somatosensory cortex in the coding of pain
CJ Vierck, BL Whitsel, OV Favorov, AW Brown, M Tommerdahl
Pain 154 (3), 334-344, 2013
Absence of stimulus-driven synchronization effects on sensory perception in autism: Evidence for local underconnectivity?
M Tommerdahl, V Tannan, JK Holden, GT Baranek
Behavioral and Brain Functions 4, 1-9, 2008
Perceptual metrics of individuals with autism provide evidence for disinhibition
V Tannan, JK Holden, Z Zhang, GT Baranek, MA Tommerdahl
Autism Research 1 (4), 223-230, 2008
Dynamic representations of the somatosensory cortex
M Tommerdahl, OV Favorov, BL Whitsel
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 34 (2), 160-170, 2010
Altered tactile processing in children with autism spectrum disorder
T Tavassoli, K Bellesheim, M Tommerdahl, JM Holden, A Kolevzon, ...
Autism Research 9 (6), 616-620, 2016
Somatosensory cortex functional connectivity abnormalities in autism show opposite trends, depending on direction and spatial scale
S Khan, K Michmizos, M Tommerdahl, S Ganesan, MG Kitzbichler, ...
Brain 138 (5), 1394-1409, 2015
Anterior parietal cortical response to tactile and skin-heating stimuli applied to the same skin site
M Tommerdahl, KA Delemos, CJ Vierck Jr, OV Favorov, BL Whitsel
Journal of Neurophysiology 75 (6), 2662-2670, 1996
The role of attention in somatosensory processing: a multi-trait, multi-method analysis
EL Wodka, NAJ Puts, EM Mahone, RAE Edden, M Tommerdahl, ...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 46, 3232-3241, 2016
Reduced GABAergic inhibition and abnormal sensory symptoms in children with Tourette syndrome
NAJ Puts, AD Harris, D Crocetti, C Nettles, HS Singer, M Tommerdahl, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 114 (2), 808-817, 2015
Response of anterior parietal cortex to different modes of same-site skin stimulation
M Tommerdahl, KA Delemos, OV Favorov, CB Metz, CJ Vierck Jr, ...
Journal of Neurophysiology 80 (6), 3272-3283, 1998
Minicolumnar activation patterns in cat and monkey SI cortex
M Tommerdahl, O Favorov, BL Whitsel, B Nakhle, YA Gonchar
Cerebral Cortex 3 (5), 399-411, 1993
Time course and action spectrum of vibrotactile adaptation
M Hollins, AK Goble, BL Whitsel, M Tommerdahl
Somatosensory & motor research 7 (2), 205-221, 1990
Functional deficits in carpal tunnel syndrome reflect reorganization of primary somatosensory cortex
Y Maeda, N Kettner, J Holden, J Lee, J Kim, S Cina, C Malatesta, J Gerber, ...
Brain 137 (6), 1741-1752, 2014
Altered central sensitization in subgroups of women with vulvodynia
Z Zhang, DA Zolnoun, EM Francisco, JK Holden, RG Dennis, ...
The Clinical journal of pain 27 (9), 755-763, 2011
Response of anterior parietal cortex to cutaneous flutter versus vibration
M Tommerdahl, KA Delemos, BL Whitsel, OV Favorov, CB Metz
Journal of neurophysiology 82 (1), 16-33, 1999
Human vibrotactile frequency discriminative capacity after adaptation to 25 Hz or 200 Hz stimulation
M Tommerdahl, KD Hester, ER Felix, M Hollins, OV Favorov, PM Quibrera, ...
Brain research 1057 (1-2), 1-9, 2005
Somatosensory information processing in the aging population
Z Zhang, EM Francisco, JK Holden, RG Dennis, M Tommerdahl
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 3, 18, 2011
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Articles 1–20