Daniel Wessel
Daniel Wessel
Research scientist, University of Luebeck
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Reflection as a catalyst for organisational learning
K Knipfer, B Kump, D Wessel, U Cress
Studies in continuing education 35 (1), 30-48, 2013
Stigmatization of obese individuals by human resource professionals: an experimental study
KE Giel, S Zipfel, M Alizadeh, N Schäffeler, C Zahn, D Wessel, FW Hesse, ...
BMC public health 12, 1-9, 2012
Video clips for YouTube: Collaborative video creation as an educational concept for knowledge acquisition and attitude change related to obesity stigmatization
C Zahn, N Schaeffeler, KE Giel, D Wessel, A Thiel, S Zipfel, FW Hesse
Education and Information Technologies 19, 603-621, 2014
Potentials and Challenges of Mobile Media in Museums.
D Wessel, E Mayr
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 1 (1), 2007
In-sights into mobile learning: An exploration of mobile eye tracking methodology for learning in museums
E Mayr, K Knipfer, D Wessel
Researching mobile learning: Frameworks, tools and research designs, 189-204, 2009
Computer support for reflective learning in the workplace: A model
BR Krogstie, M Prilla, D Wessel, K Knipfer, V Pammer
2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2012
Lernen in Museen und Ausstellungen-die Rolle digitaler Medien
S Schwan, C Zahn, D Wessel, M Huff, N Herrmann, E Reussner
Unterrichtswissenschaft 36 (2), 117, 2008
Re-viewing the museum visitor’s view
D Wessel, E Mayr, K Knipfer
Workshop Research Methods in Informal and Mobile Learning, Institute of …, 2007
& Thiel, A.(2012). Stigmatization of obese individuals by human resource professionals: an experimental study
KE Giel, S Zipfel, M Alizadeh, N Schäffeler, C Zahn, D Wessel
BMC public health 12 (1), 525, 0
Selbstreguliertes Lernen
D Wessel
http://www. wissensdialoge. de/, 2013
Reflective Learning at Work-A Position and Discussion Paper
V Pammer, K Knipfer, B Krogstie, D Wessel, M Prilla, S Lindstaedt
ARNets11-Awareness and Reflection in Learning Networks, 2011
The Potential of Computer-Assisted Direct Observation Apps.
D Wessel
International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies 9 (1), 2015
Was ist eigentlich kritisches Denken?
D Wessel
http://www. wissensdialoge. de/, 2011
DRLLA: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Link Adaptation
F Geiser, D Wessel, M Hummert, A Weber, D Wübben, A Dekorsy, ...
Telecom 3 (4), 692-705, 2022
Weiterbildung gestalten: Unterstützung durch Trainings, Technologie und Werkzeuge
N Behringer, J Bertram, J Buder, M Deimann, C Erlach, FW Hesse, ...
Wissenskollektion: 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in …, 2013
Arbeitsbedingungen für Organisationales Lernen und Wissensmanagement optimieren
J Bertram, A Hauser, T Hentschel, K Knipfer, B Kump, C Matschke, ...
Wissenskollektion: 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in …, 2013
mobiles Lernen
D Wessel
http://www. wissensdialoge. de/, 2012
Collaborative modelling of reflection to inform the development and evaluation of work-based learning technologies
B Krogstie, J Krogstie, N Maiden, J Lockerbie, D Wessel, K Knipfer
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and …, 2012
„The role of mobile devices to satisfy situational interest in informal settings,”
D Wessel
Proc. IMCL, 2007
Lernen und Wissensaustausch in Organisationen: Individuelle und kollektive Ansätze
J Bertram, U Cress, C Erlach, K Knipfer, B Kump, AK Matyssek, ...
Wissenskollektion: 100 Impulse für Lernen und Wissensmanagement in …, 2013
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