Daniel Siewiorek
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Project aura: Toward distraction-free pervasive computing
D Garlan, DP Siewiorek, A Smailagic, P Steenkiste
IEEE Pervasive computing 1 (2), 22-31, 2002
Reliable Computer Systems: Design and Evaluation, Third Edition
DP Siewiorek, RS Swarz
AK Peters Ltd, 1998
The theory and practice of reliable system design
DP Siewiorek, RS Swarz
(No Title), 1982
Activity recognition and monitoring using multiple sensors on different body positions
U Maurer, A Smailagic, DP Siewiorek, M Deisher
International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN …, 2006
Automated synthesis of data paths in digital systems
CJ Tseng, DP Siewiorek
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 1986
High-availability computer systems
J Gray, DP Siewiorek
Computer 24 (9), 39-48, 1991
SenSay: A Context-Aware Mobile Phone.
DP Siewiorek, A Smailagic, J Furukawa, A Krause, N Moraveji, K Reiger, ...
ISWC 3, 248, 2003
Computer Structures: principles and examples
DP Siewiorek, G Bell, AC Newell
McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1982
Cm* a modular, multi-microprocessor
RJ Swan, SH Fuller, DP Siewiorek
Proceedings of the June 13-16, 1977, national computer conference, 637-644, 1977
Fault injection experiments using FIAT
JH Barton, EW Czeck, ZZ Segall, DP Siewiorek
IEEE Transactions on Computers 39 (4), 575-582, 1990
Continuous inference of psychological stress from sensory measurements collected in the natural environment
K Plarre, A Raij, SM Hossain, AA Ali, M Nakajima, M Al'Absi, E Ertin, ...
Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE international conference on information …, 2011
Fiat-fault injection based automated testing environment
Z Segall, D Vrsalovic, D Siewiorek, D Ysskin, J Kownacki, J Barton, ...
Twenty-Fifth International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, 1995 …, 1995
Automated robustness testing of off-the-shelf software components
NP Kropp, PJ Koopman, DP Siewiorek
Digest of papers. twenty-eighth annual international symposium on fault …, 1998
Practical solutions for QoS-based resource allocation problems
R Rajkumar, C Lee, JP Lehoczky, DP Siewiorek
Proceedings 19th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (Cat. No. 98CB36279), 296-306, 1998
Ecological momentary assessment in behavioral research: addressing technological and human participant challenges
LE Burke, S Shiffman, E Music, MA Styn, A Kriska, A Smailagic, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 19 (3), e77, 2017
Context-aware mobile computing: Learning context-dependent personal preferences from a wearable sensor array
A Krause, A Smailagic, DP Siewiorek
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 5 (2), 113-127, 2005
An empirical study of latency in an emerging class of edge computing applications for wearable cognitive assistance
Z Chen, W Hu, J Wang, S Zhao, B Amos, G Wu, K Ha, K Elgazzar, P Pillai, ...
Proceedings of the Second ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing, 1-14, 2017
Error log analysis: statistical modeling and heuristic trend analysis
TTY Lin, DP Siewiorek
IEEE Transactions on reliability 39 (4), 419-432, 1990
Comparing operating systems using robustness benchmarks
P Koopman, J Sung, C Dingman, D Siewiorek, T Marz
Proceedings of SRDS'97: 16th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems …, 1997
Determining user location for context aware computing through the use of a wireless LAN infrastructure
A Smailagic, J Small, DP Siewiorek
Institute for Complex Engineered Systems Carnegie Mellon University …, 2000
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