Project aura: Toward distraction-free pervasive computing D Garlan, DP Siewiorek, A Smailagic, P Steenkiste IEEE Pervasive computing 1 (2), 22-31, 2002 | 1387 | 2002 |
Reliable Computer Systems: Design and Evaluation, Third Edition DP Siewiorek, RS Swarz AK Peters Ltd, 1998 | 1356* | 1998 |
The theory and practice of reliable system design DP Siewiorek, RS Swarz (No Title), 1982 | 1165 | 1982 |
Activity recognition and monitoring using multiple sensors on different body positions U Maurer, A Smailagic, DP Siewiorek, M Deisher International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN …, 2006 | 1081 | 2006 |
Automated synthesis of data paths in digital systems CJ Tseng, DP Siewiorek IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 1986 | 826 | 1986 |
High-availability computer systems J Gray, DP Siewiorek Computer 24 (9), 39-48, 1991 | 577 | 1991 |
SenSay: A Context-Aware Mobile Phone. DP Siewiorek, A Smailagic, J Furukawa, A Krause, N Moraveji, K Reiger, ... ISWC 3, 248, 2003 | 548 | 2003 |
Computer Structures: principles and examples DP Siewiorek, G Bell, AC Newell McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1982 | 518 | 1982 |
Cm* a modular, multi-microprocessor RJ Swan, SH Fuller, DP Siewiorek Proceedings of the June 13-16, 1977, national computer conference, 637-644, 1977 | 463 | 1977 |
Fault injection experiments using FIAT JH Barton, EW Czeck, ZZ Segall, DP Siewiorek IEEE Transactions on Computers 39 (4), 575-582, 1990 | 392 | 1990 |
Continuous inference of psychological stress from sensory measurements collected in the natural environment K Plarre, A Raij, SM Hossain, AA Ali, M Nakajima, M Al'Absi, E Ertin, ... Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE international conference on information …, 2011 | 389 | 2011 |
Fiat-fault injection based automated testing environment Z Segall, D Vrsalovic, D Siewiorek, D Ysskin, J Kownacki, J Barton, ... Twenty-Fifth International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, 1995 …, 1995 | 376 | 1995 |
Automated robustness testing of off-the-shelf software components NP Kropp, PJ Koopman, DP Siewiorek Digest of papers. twenty-eighth annual international symposium on fault …, 1998 | 321 | 1998 |
Practical solutions for QoS-based resource allocation problems R Rajkumar, C Lee, JP Lehoczky, DP Siewiorek Proceedings 19th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (Cat. No. 98CB36279), 296-306, 1998 | 298 | 1998 |
Ecological momentary assessment in behavioral research: addressing technological and human participant challenges LE Burke, S Shiffman, E Music, MA Styn, A Kriska, A Smailagic, ... Journal of medical Internet research 19 (3), e77, 2017 | 291 | 2017 |
Context-aware mobile computing: Learning context-dependent personal preferences from a wearable sensor array A Krause, A Smailagic, DP Siewiorek IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 5 (2), 113-127, 2005 | 289 | 2005 |
An empirical study of latency in an emerging class of edge computing applications for wearable cognitive assistance Z Chen, W Hu, J Wang, S Zhao, B Amos, G Wu, K Ha, K Elgazzar, P Pillai, ... Proceedings of the Second ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing, 1-14, 2017 | 264 | 2017 |
Error log analysis: statistical modeling and heuristic trend analysis TTY Lin, DP Siewiorek IEEE Transactions on reliability 39 (4), 419-432, 1990 | 258 | 1990 |
Comparing operating systems using robustness benchmarks P Koopman, J Sung, C Dingman, D Siewiorek, T Marz Proceedings of SRDS'97: 16th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems …, 1997 | 254 | 1997 |
Determining user location for context aware computing through the use of a wireless LAN infrastructure A Smailagic, J Small, DP Siewiorek Institute for Complex Engineered Systems Carnegie Mellon University …, 2000 | 245 | 2000 |