Marek Tulej
Marek Tulej
University Bern, Physics Institute, Planetary Science and Space Research
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Gas-phase electronic transitions of carbon chain anions coinciding with diffuse interstellar bands
M Tulej, DA Kirkwood, M Pachkov, JP Maier
The Astrophysical Journal 506 (1), L69, 1998
Performance evaluation of a miniature laser ablation time‐of‐flight mass spectrometer designed for in situ investigations in planetary space research
A Riedo, A Bieler, M Neuland, M Tulej, P Wurz
Journal of mass spectrometry 48 (1), 1-15, 2013
Coupling of LMS with a fs-laser ablation ion source: elemental and isotope composition measurements
A Riedo, M Neuland, S Meyer, M Tulej, P Wurz
Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry 28 (8), 1256-1269, 2013
Highly accurate isotope composition measurements by a miniature laser ablation mass spectrometer designed for in situ investigations on planetary surfaces
A Riedo, S Meyer, B Heredia, MB Neuland, A Bieler, M Tulej, I Leya, ...
Planetary and space science 87, 1-13, 2013
Photodetachment Spectrum of l-C3H2-: The Role of Dipole Bound States for Electron Attachment in Interstellar Clouds
F Güthe, M Tulej, MV Pachkov, JP Maier
The Astrophysical Journal 555 (1), 466, 2001
A miniature mass analyser for in-situ elemental analysis of planetary material–performance studies
M Tulej, M Iakovleva, I Leya, P Wurz
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 399, 2185-2200, 2011
High-resolution chemical depth profiling of solid material using a miniature laser ablation/ionization mass spectrometer
V Grimaudo, P Moreno-García, A Riedo, MB Neuland, M Tulej, ...
Analytical chemistry 87 (4), 2037-2041, 2015
A neutral gas mass spectrometer for the investigation of lunar volatiles
P Wurz, D Abplanalp, M Tulej, H Lammer
Planetary and Space Science 74 (1), 264-269, 2012
Probing the Allende meteorite with a miniature laser-ablation mass analyser for space application
MB Neuland, S Meyer, K Mezger, A Riedo, M Tulej, P Wurz
Planetary and space science 101, 196-209, 2014
Photodetachment spectroscopy of the anions in the vicinity of their electron detachment threshold
T Pino, M Tulej, F Güthe, M Pachkov, JP Maier
The Journal of chemical physics 116 (14), 6126-6131, 2002
Chemical composition of micrometer-sized filaments in an aragonite host by a miniature laser ablation/ionization mass spectrometer
M Tulej, A Neubeck, M Ivarsson, A Riedo, MB Neuland, S Meyer, P Wurz
Astrobiology 15 (8), 669-682, 2015
Pressure‐dependent N2 Q‐branch fs‐CARS measurements
G Knopp, P Beaud, P Radi, M Tulej, B Bougie, D Cannavo, T Gerber
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 33 (11‐12), 861-865, 2002
Electronic spectra of linear carbon anions
M Tulej, DA Kirkwood, G Maccaferri, O Dopfer, JP Maier
Chemical physics 228 (1-3), 293-299, 1998
Collision induced rotational energy transfer probed by time-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering
G Knopp, P Radi, M Tulej, T Gerber, P Beaud
The Journal of chemical physics 118 (18), 8223-8233, 2003
Optical diagnostics of diesel spray injections and combustion in a high-pressure high-temperature cell
B Bougie, M Tulej, T Dreier, NJ Dam, JJ Ter Meulen, T Gerber
Applied Physics B 80, 1039-1045, 2005
Toward three-dimensional chemical imaging of ternary Cu–Sn–Pb alloys using femtosecond laser ablation/ionization mass spectrometry
V Grimaudo, P Moreno-García, A Riedo, S Meyer, M Tulej, MB Neuland, ...
Analytical chemistry 89 (3), 1632-1641, 2017
Mass spectrometric analysis in planetary science: Investigation of the surface and the atmosphere
P Wurz, D Abplanalp, M Tulej, M Iakovleva, VA Fernandes, A Chumikov, ...
Solar System Research 46, 408-422, 2012
CAMAM: A Miniature Laser Ablation Ionisation Mass Spectrometer and Microscope‐Camera System for In Situ Investigation of the Composition and Morphology of …
M Tulej, A Riedo, MB Neuland, S Meyer, P Wurz, N Thomas, V Grimaudo, ...
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 38 (4), 441-466, 2014
0.2 to 10 keV electrons interacting with water ice: Radiolysis, sputtering, and sublimation
A Galli, A Vorburger, P Wurz, A Pommerol, R Cerubini, B Jost, O Poch, ...
Planetary and space science 155, 91-98, 2018
Fully automatic and precise data analysis developed for time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry
S Meyer, A Riedo, MB Neuland, M Tulej, P Wurz
Journal of Mass Spectrometry 52 (9), 580-590, 2017
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