Ricardo J. Machado
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Requirements in engineering projects
JM Fernandes, RJ Machado
Springer International Publishing, 2016
The roles of a Programme and Project Management Office to support collaborative university–industry R&D
G Fernandes, EB Pinto, M Araújo, RJ Machado
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 31 (5-6), 583-608, 2020
Automating mappings between use case diagrams and feature models for software product lines
A Bragança, RJ Machado
11th international software product line conference (SPLC 2007), 3-12, 2007
Modeling industrial embedded systems with UML
JM Fernandes, RJ Machado, HD Santos
Proceedings of the eighth international workshop on Hardware/software …, 2000
Transformation of UML models for service-oriented software architectures
RJ Machado, JM Fernandes, P Monteiro, H Rodrigues
12th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on the Engineering of …, 2005
Project management practices for collaborative university-industry R&D: a hybrid approach
G Fernandes, S Moreira, M Araújo, EB Pinto, RJ Machado
Procedia computer science 138, 805-814, 2018
A program and project management approach for collaborative university-industry R&D funded contracts
G Fernandes, EB Pinto, RJ Machado, M Araújo, A Pontes
Procedia Computer Science 64, 1065-1074, 2015
Extending UML 2.0 metamodel for complementary usages of the/spl Lt/extend/spl Gt/relationship within use case variability specification
A Bragança, RJ Machado
10th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC'06), 5 pp.-130, 2006
Value of project management in university–industry R&D collaborations
G Fernandes, D O'Sullivan, EB Pinto, M Araújo, RJ Machado
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 13 (4), 819-843, 2020
From business process modeling to data model: A systematic approach
EF Cruz, RJ Machado, MY Santos
2012 Eighth International Conference on the Quality of Information and …, 2012
Mapping RUP roles to small software development teams
P Borges, P Monteiro, RJ Machado
Software Quality. Process Automation in Software Development: 4th …, 2012
From business process models to use case models: A systematic approach
EF Cruz, RJ Machado, MY Santos
Advances in Enterprise Engineering VIII: 4th Enterprise Engineering Working …, 2014
Local anaesthesia for endovascular repair of infrarenal aortic aneurysms
P Geisbüsch, BT Katzen, R Machado, JF Benenati, C Pena, AI Tsoukas
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 42 (4), 467-473, 2011
Derivation of process-oriented logical architectures: An elicitation approach for cloud design
N Ferreira, N Santos, RJ Machado, D Gašević
Product-Focused Software Process Improvement: 13th International Conference …, 2012
Refinement of software architectures by recursive model transformations
RJ Machado, JM Fernandes, P Monteiro, H Rodrigues
International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement …, 2006
From use cases to objects: an industrial information systems case study analysis
JM Fernandes, RJ Machado
OOIS 2001: 7th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information …, 2001
Using scrum together with UML models: a collaborative university-industry R&D software project
N Santos, JM Fernandes, MS Carvalho, PV Silva, FA Fernandes, ...
Computational Science and Its Applications--ICCSA 2016: 16th International …, 2016
Deriving a data model from a set of interrelated business process models
EF Cruz, RJ Machado, MY Santos
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 2, 49-59, 2015
Specification of industrial digital controllers with object-oriented petri nets
RJ Machado, JM Fernandes, AJ Proenca
ISIE'97 Proceeding of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial …, 1997
Tailoring RUP to small software development teams
P Borges, P Monteiro, RJ Machado
2011 37th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2011
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