Yeshica Isela Ormeño
Yeshica Isela Ormeño
Resercher UPV Valencia - Spain
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Cited by
Towards a proposal to capture usability requirements through guidelines
YI Ormeño, JI Panach, N Condori-Fern, Ó Pastor
IEEE 7th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information …, 2013
Mapping study about usability requirements elicitation
YI Ormeño, JI Panach
International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 672-687, 2013
A proposal to elicit usability requirements within a model-driven development environment
YI Ormeño, JI Panach, N Condori-Fernández, Ó Pastor
International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD) 5 …, 2014
Usability requirements elicitation: an overview of a mapping study
YI Ormeño, JI Panach, Ó Pastor
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Interacción Persona …, 2012
An empirical experiment of a usability requirements elicitation method to design GUIs based on interviews
YI Ormeño, JI Panach, O Pastor
Information and Software Technology 164, 107324, 2023
Elicitación de Requisitos de Usabilidad: Un estudio Sistemático
YI Ormeño, JI Panach, Ó Pastor
XIII Congreso Internacional de Interacción 2012. Instituto CIO, Universidad …, 2012
Session 1: Requirements Engineering (1)
YI Ormeño, JIP Navarrete, NC Fernández, OP López, M Mahaux, O Gotel, ...
Marco para la Captura de Requisitos de Usabilidad en Entornos de MDD1
YI Ormeño, JI Panach, O Pastor
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Articles 1–8