Ryan Sheatsley
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Technical report on the cleverhans v2. 1.0 adversarial examples library
N Papernot, F Faghri, N Carlini, I Goodfellow, R Feinman, A Kurakin, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.00768, 2016
Adversarial examples in constrained domains
R Sheatsley, N Papernot, M Weisman, G Verma, P McDaniel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.01183, 2020
On the Robustness of Domain Constraints
R Sheatsley, B Hoak, E Pauley, Y Beugin, MJ Weisman, P McDaniel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.08619, 2021
Generating practical adversarial network traffic flows using NIDSGAN
BE Zolbayar, R Sheatsley, P McDaniel, MJ Weisman, S Zhu, S Zhu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.06694, 2022
Network traffic obfuscation: An adversarial machine learning approach
G Verma, E Ciftcioglu, R Sheatsley, K Chan, L Scott
MILCOM 2018-2018 IEEE military communications conference (MILCOM), 1-6, 2018
Measuring and mitigating the risk of ip reuse on public clouds
E Pauley, R Sheatsley, B Hoak, Q Burke, Y Beugin, P McDaniel
2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), 558-575, 2022
A vision toward an internet of battlefield things (IoBT): Autonomous classifying sensor network
J Zhu, E McClave, Q Pham, S Polineni, S Reinhart, R Sheatsley, A Toth
US Army Research Lab Adelphi, 2018
Improving radioactive material localization by leveraging cyber-security model optimizations
R Sheatsley, M Durbin, A Lintereur, P McDaniel
IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (8), 9994-10006, 2021
Curie: Policy-based secure data exchange
ZB Celik, A Acar, H Aksu, R Sheatsley, P McDaniel, AS Uluagac
Proceedings of the ninth ACM conference on data and application security and …, 2019
The space of adversarial strategies
R Sheatsley, B Hoak, E Pauley, P McDaniel
32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 23), 3745-3761, 2023
Building a privacy-preserving smart camera system
Y Beugin, Q Burke, B Hoak, R Sheatsley, E Pauley, G Tan, SR Hussain, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.09338, 2022
Detection under privileged information
ZB Celik, P McDaniel, R Izmailov, N Papernot, R Sheatsley, R Alvarez, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2018
A machine learning and computer vision approach to geomagnetic storm forecasting
K Domico, R Sheatsley, Y Beugin, Q Burke, P McDaniel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.05780, 2022
Evading machine learning based network intrusion detection systems with gans
BE Zolbayar, R Sheatsley, P McDaniel, M Weisman, CA Kamhoua, ...
Game Theory and Machine Learning for Cyber Security, 335-356, 2021
Physics-based misbehavior detection system for v2x communications
AA Andrade Salazar, PD McDaniel, R Sheatsley, J Petit
SAE International Journal of Connected and Automated Vehicles 5 (3), 2022
HoneyModels: Machine Learning Honeypots
A Abdou, R Sheatsley, Y Beugin, T Shipp, P McDaniel
MILCOM 2021-2021 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), 886-891, 2021
Experimental tests of Gamma-ray Localization Aided with Machine-learning (GLAM) capabilities
M Durbin, R Sheatsley, P McDaniel, A Lintereur
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2022
Privacy-Preserving Protocols for Smart Cameras and Other IoT Devices
Y Beugin, Q Burke, B Hoak, R Sheatsley, E Pauley, G Tan, SR Hussain, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.09776, 2022
Application Transiency: Towards a Fair Trade of Personal Information for Application Services
R Alvarez, J Levenson, R Sheatsley, P McDaniel
Security and Privacy in Communication Networks: 15th EAI International …, 2019
Heterogeneous information sharing of sensor information in contested environments
JA Wampler, C Hsieh, A Toth, R Sheatsley
Ground/Air Multisensor Interoperability, Integration, and Networking for …, 2017
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