QCD and strongly coupled gauge theories: challenges and perspectives N Brambilla, S Eidelman, P Foka, S Gardner, AS Kronfeld, MG Alford, ...
The European Physical Journal C 74 (10), 2981, 2014
1090 2014 Novel quark-field creation operator construction for hadronic physics in lattice QCD M Peardon, J Bulava, J Foley, C Morningstar, J Dudek, RG Edwards, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 80 (5), 054506, 2009
471 2009 First results from dynamical quark flavors on an anisotropic lattice: Light-hadron spectroscopy and setting the strange-quark mass HW Lin, SD Cohen, J Dudek, RG Edwards, B Joó, DG Richards, J Bulava, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 79 (3), 034502, 2009
424 2009 Probing novel scalar and tensor interactions from (ultra) cold neutrons to the LHC T Bhattacharya, V Cirigliano, SD Cohen, A Filipuzzi, M Gonzalez-Alonso, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 85 (5), 054512, 2012
385 2012 Evidence for a Bound Dibaryon from Lattice QCD SR Beane, E Chang, W Detmold, B Joo, HW Lin, TC Luu, K Orginos, ...
Physical Review Letters 106 (16), 162001, 2011
343 2011 Nucleon structure from mixed action calculations using flavors <?format ?>of asqtad sea and domain wall valence fermions JD Bratt, RG Edwards, M Engelhardt, P Hägler, HW Lin, MF Lin, HB Meyer, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 82 (9), 094502, 2010
343 2010 Parton distributions and lattice QCD calculations: a community white paper HW Lin, ER Nocera, F Olness, K Orginos, J Rojo, A Accardi, C Alexandrou, ...
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 100, 107-160, 2018
331 2018 Light nuclei and hypernuclei from quantum chromodynamics<? format?> in the limit of SU (3) flavor symmetry SR Beane, E Chang, SD Cohen, W Detmold, HW Lin, TC Luu, K Orginos, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 87 (3), 034506, 2013
320 2013 The forward physics facility at the high-luminosity LHC JL Feng, F Kling, MH Reno, J Rojo, D Soldin, LA Anchordoqui, J Boyd, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 50 (3), 030501, 2023
298 2023 Flavor structure of the nucleon sea from lattice QCD HW Lin, JW Chen, SD Cohen, X Ji
Physical Review D 91 (5), 054510, 2015
250 2015 Deuteron and exotic two-body bound states from lattice QCD SR Beane, E Chang, W Detmold, HW Lin, TC Luu, K Orginos, A Parreño, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 85 (5), 054511, 2012
246 2012 Nucleon helicity and transversity parton distributions from lattice QCD JW Chen, SD Cohen, X Ji, HW Lin, JH Zhang
Nuclear Physics B 911, 246-273, 2016
244 2016 Light hadron spectroscopy using domain wall valence quarks on an Asqtad sea A Walker-Loud, HW Lin, DG Richards, RG Edwards, M Engelhardt, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 79 (5), 054502, 2009
244 2009 Tuning for three flavors of anisotropic clover fermions with stout-link smearing RG Edwards, B Joo, HW Lin
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 78 (5), 054501, 2008
236 2008 Isovector charges of the nucleon from -flavor lattice QCD R Gupta, YC Jang, B Yoon, HW Lin, V Cirigliano, T Bhattacharya, ...
Physical Review D 98 (3), 034503, 2018
234 2018 Axial, scalar, and tensor charges of the nucleon from -flavor Lattice QCD T Bhattacharya, V Cirigliano, SD Cohen, R Gupta, HW Lin, B Yoon, ...
Physical Review D 94 (5), 054508, 2016
206 2016 Pion distribution amplitude from lattice QCD JH Zhang, JW Chen, X Ji, L Jin, HW Lin
Physical Review D 95 (9), 094514, 2017
199 2017 Parton distributions and lattice-QCD calculations: Toward 3D structure M Constantinou, A Courtoy, MA Ebert, M Engelhardt, T Giani, T Hobbs, ...
Progress in particle and nuclear physics 121, 103908, 2021
196 2021 Nucleon form factors with flavor dynamical domain-wall fermions T Yamazaki, Y Aoki, T Blum, HW Lin, S Ohta, S Sasaki, R Tweedie, ...
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 79 (11), 114505, 2009
194 2009 Charmed hadron interactions L Liu, HW Lin, K Orginos
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