Chun-Sung Ferng
Chun-Sung Ferng
Software Engineer, Google
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A linear ensemble of individual and blended models for music rating prediction
PL Chen, CT Tsai, YN Chen, KC Chou, CL Li, CH Tsai, KW Wu, YC Chou, ...
Proceedings of KDD Cup 2011, 21-60, 2012
A simple and effective positional encoding for transformers
PC Chen, H Tsai, S Bhojanapalli, HW Chung, YW Chang, CS Ferng
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.08698, 2021
Multi-label classification with error-correcting codes
CS Ferng, HT Lin
Asian conference on machine learning, 281-295, 2011
A two-stage ensemble of diverse models for advertisement ranking in kdd cup 2012
KW Wu, CS Ferng, CH Ho, AC Liang, CH Huang, WY Shen, JY Jiang, ...
KDDCup, 2012
Finding fast transformers: One-shot neural architecture search by component composition
H Tsai, J Ooi, CS Ferng, HW Chung, J Riesa
arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.06808, 2020
Active learning using hint information
CL Li, CS Ferng, HT Lin
Neural computation 27 (8), 1738-1765, 2015
Active learning with hinted support vector machine
CL Li, CS Ferng, HT Lin
Asian Conference on Machine Learning, 221-235, 2012
An ensemble of three classifiers for kdd cup 2009: Expanded linear model, heterogeneous boosting, and selective naive bayes
HY Lo, KW Chang, ST Chen, TH Chiang, CS Ferng, CJ Hsieh, YK Ko, ...
KDD-Cup 2009 Competition, 57-64, 2009
Novel models and ensemble techniques to discriminate favorite items from unrated ones for personalized music recommendation
TG McKenzie, CS Ferng, YN Chen, CL Li, CH Tsai, KW Wu, YH Chang, ...
Proceedings of KDD Cup 2011, 101-135, 2012
Multilabel classification using error-correcting codes of hard or soft bits
CS Ferng, HT Lin
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 24 (11), 1888-1900, 2013
Neural structured learning: training neural networks with structured signals
A Gopalan, DC Juan, CI Magalhaes, CS Ferng, A Heydon, CT Lu, P Pham, ...
Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on web search and data …, 2021
Adversarial robustness across representation spaces
P Awasthi, G Yu, CS Ferng, A Tomkins, DC Juan
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Demystifying the better performance of position encoding variants for transformer
PC Chen, H Tsai, S Bhojanapalli, HW Chung, YW Chang, CS Ferng
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.08698 3 (7), 2021
Canonical image selection and efficient image graph construction for large-scale Flickr photos
LC Hsieh, KT Chen, CH Chiang, YH Yang, GL Wu, CS Ferng, HW Hsueh, ...
Proceedings of the 17th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 1121-1122, 2009
An ensemble ranking solution to the yahoo! learning to rank challenge
MF Tsai, ST Chen, YN Chen, CS Ferng, CH Wang, TY Wen, HT Lin
Workshop on the Yahoo! Learning to Rank Challenge@ ICML'10, 2010
Substance or Style: What Does Your Image Embedding Know?
C Rashtchian, C Herrmann, CS Ferng, A Chakrabarti, D Krishnan, D Sun, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.05610, 2023
CARLS: Cross-platform Asynchronous Representation Learning System
CT Lu, Y Zeng, DC Juan, Y Fan, Z Li, J Dlabal, YT Chen, A Gopalan, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.12849, 2021
Neural Structured Learning in TensorFlow: Hands-On Tutorial at KDD
A Gopalan, DC Juan, CI Magalhaes, A Heydon, CT Lu, PM Pham, G Yu
Probing the Equivariance of Image Embeddings
C Rashtchian, C Herrmann, CS Ferng, A Chakrabarti, D Krishnan, D Sun, ...
NeurIPS 2023 Workshop on Distribution Shifts: New Frontiers with Foundation …, 0
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