Tobias Heindel
Tobias Heindel
Head of Group 'Quantum Communication Systems', Technische Universität Berlin
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Highly indistinguishable photons from deterministic quantum-dot microlenses utilizing three-dimensional in situ electron-beam lithography
M Gschrey, A Thoma, P Schnauber, M Seifried, R Schmidt, B Wohlfeil, ...
Nature communications 6, 7662, 2015
Electrically driven quantum dot-micropillar single photon source with 34% overall efficiency
T Heindel, C Schneider, M Lermer, SH Kwon, T Braun, S Reitzenstein, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (1), 011107, 2010
Exploring Dephasing of a Solid-State Quantum Emitter via Time-and Temperature-Dependent Hong-Ou-Mandel Experiments
A Thoma, P Schnauber, M Gschrey, M Seifried, J Wolters, JH Schulze, ...
Physical Review Letters 116 (3), 033601, 2016
Quantum communication using semiconductor quantum dots
DA Vajner, L Rickert, T Gao, K Kaymazlar, T Heindel
Advanced Quantum Technologies 5 (7), 2100116, 2022
Quantum key distribution using quantum dot single-photon emitting diodes in the red and near infrared spectral range
T Heindel, CA Kessler, M Rau, C Schneider, M Fürst, F Hargart, ...
New Journal of Physics 14 (8), 083001, 2012
In situ electron-beam lithography of deterministic single-quantum-dot mesa-structures using low-temperature cathodoluminescence spectroscopy
M Gschrey, F Gericke, A Schüßler, R Schmidt, JH Schulze, T Heindel, ...
Applied Physics Letters 102 (25), 2013
Single photon emission from a site-controlled quantum dot-micropillar cavity system
C Schneider, T Heindel, A Huggenberger, P Weinmann, C Kistner, ...
Applied Physics Letters 94 (11), 111111, 2009
Deterministic integration of quantum dots into on-chip multimode interference beamsplitters using in situ electron beam lithography
P Schnauber, J Schall, S Bounouar, T Hohne, SI Park, GH Ryu, T Heindel, ...
Nano Letters 18 (4), 2336-2342, 2018
Single site-controlled In (Ga) As/GaAs quantum dots: growth, properties and device integration
C Schneider, A Huggenberger, T Sünner, T Heindel, M Strauß, S Göpfert, ...
Nanotechnology 20 (43), 434012, 2009
Low threshold electrically pumped quantum dot-micropillar lasers
S Reitzenstein, T Heindel, C Kistner, A Rahimi-Iman, C Schneider, ...
Applied Physics Letters 93 (6), 061104, 2008
A stand-alone fiber-coupled single-photon source
A Schlehahn, S Fischbach, R Schmidt, A Kaganskiy, A Strittmatter, S Rodt, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 1340, 2018
Demonstration of strong coupling via electro-optical tuning in high-quality QD-micropillar systems
C Kistner, T Heindel, C Schneider, A Rahimi-Iman, S Reitzenstein, ...
Optics express 16 (19), 15006-15012, 2008
Single photon emission from positioned GaAs/AlGaAs photonic nanowires
J Heinrich, A Huggenberger, T Heindel, S Reitzenstein, S Höfling, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (21), 2010
A bright triggered twin-photon source in the solid state
T Heindel, A Thoma, M von Helversen, M Schmidt, A Schlehahn, ...
Nature Communications 8, 14870, 2017
A bright triggered twin-photon source in the solid state
A Strittmatter, A Schlehahn, P Schnauber, M Gschrey, S Rodt, A Thoma, ...
Nature Communications 8, 2017
Optimized designs for telecom-wavelength quantum light sources based on hybrid circular Bragg gratings
L Rickert, T Kupko, S Rodt, S Reitzenstein, T Heindel
Optics Express 27 (25), 36824-36837, 2019
An electrically driven cavity-enhanced source of indistinguishable photons with 61% overall efficiency
A Schlehahn, A Thoma, P Munnelly, M Kamp, S Höfling, T Heindel, ...
APL Photonics 1 (1), 011301, 2016
Single Quantum Dot with Microlens and 3D-Printed Micro-objective as Integrated Bright Single-Photon Source
S Fischbach, A Schlehahn, A Thoma, N Srocka, T Gissibl, S Ristok, ...
ACS photonics 4 (6), 1327, 2017
Quantum dots for photonic quantum information technology
T Heindel, JH Kim, N Gregersen, A Rastelli, S Reitzenstein
Advances in Optics and Photonics 15 (3), 613-738, 2023
Photon-number-resolving transition-edge sensors for the metrology of quantum light sources
M Schmidt, M von Helversen, M López, F Gericke, E Schlottmann, ...
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 193 (5), 1243-1250, 2018
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