Alan Wee-Chung Liew
Alan Wee-Chung Liew
Professor, School of ICT, Griffith University
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Cited by
An adaptive spatial fuzzy clustering algorithm for 3-D MR image segmentation
AWC Liew, H Yan
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 22 (9), 1063-1075, 2003
General retinal vessel segmentation using regularization-based multiconcavity modeling
BSY Lam, Y Gao, AWC Liew
IEEE Transactions on medical imaging 29 (7), 1369-1381, 2010
Fuzzy image clustering incorporating spatial continuity
AWC Liew, SH Leung, WH Lau
IEE Proceedings-Vision, Image and Signal Processing 147 (2), 185-192, 2000
A survey of machine unlearning
TT Nguyen, TT Huynh, Z Ren, PL Nguyen, AWC Liew, H Yin, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.02299, 2022
Missing value imputation for gene expression data: computational techniques to recover missing data from available information
AWC Liew, NF Law, H Yan
Briefings in bioinformatics 12 (5), 498-513, 2011
Segmentation of color lip images by spatial fuzzy clustering
AWC Liew, SH Leung, WH Lau
IEEE transactions on Fuzzy Systems 11 (4), 542-549, 2003
Current methods in the automatic tissue segmentation of 3D magnetic resonance brain images
AWC Liew, H Yan
Current Medical Imaging 2 (1), 91-103, 2006
Blocking artifacts suppression in block-coded images using overcomplete wavelet representation
AWC Liew, H Yan
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 14 (4), 450-461, 2004
Pattern recognition techniques for the emerging field of bioinformatics: A review
AWC Liew, H Yan, M Yang
Pattern Recognition 38 (11), 2055-2073, 2005
Open reduction and internal fixation of humeral nonunions: a biomechanical and clinical study
IF Rubel, P Kloen, D Campbell, M Schwartz, A Liew, E Myers, DL Helfet
The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery 84 (8), 1315-1322, 2002
Missing value imputation for the analysis of incomplete traffic accident data
R Deb, AWC Liew
Information sciences 339, 274-289, 2016
Cluster analysis of gene expression data based on self-splitting and merging competitive learning
S Wu, AWC Liew, H Yan, M Yang
IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine 8 (1), 5-15, 2004
Microarray missing data imputation based on a set theoretic framework and biological knowledge
X Gan, AWC Liew, H Yan
Nucleic Acids Research 34 (5), 1608-1619, 2006
Discovering biclusters in gene expression data based on high-dimensional linear geometries
X Gan, AWC Liew, H Yan
BMC bioinformatics 9, 1-15, 2008
Image segmentation based on adaptive cluster prototype estimation
AWC Liew, H Yan, NF Law
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 13 (4), 444-453, 2005
Sequence‐based prediction of protein–peptide binding sites using support vector machine
G Taherzadeh, Y Yang, T Zhang, AWC Liew, Y Zhou
Journal of computational chemistry 37 (13), 1223-1229, 2016
Identification of coherent patterns in gene expression data using an efficient biclustering algorithm and parallel coordinate visualization
KO Cheng, NF Law, WC Siu, AWC Liew
BMC bioinformatics 9, 1-28, 2008
DB-Curve: a novel 2D method of DNA sequence visualization and representation
Y Wu, AWC Liew, H Yan, M Yang
Chemical Physics Letters 367 (1-2), 170-176, 2003
Lip contour extraction from color images using a deformable model
AWC Liew, SH Leung, WH Lau
Pattern Recognition 35 (12), 2949-2962, 2002
Robust adaptive spot segmentation of DNA microarray images
AWC Liew, H Yan, M Yang
Pattern Recognition 36 (5), 1251-1254, 2003
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Articles 1–20