Michelle Thompson
Michelle Thompson
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A dehydrated space-weathered skin cloaking the hydrated interior of Ryugu
T Noguchi, T Matsumoto, A Miyake, Y Igami, M Haruta, H Saito, S Hata, ...
Nature Astronomy 7 (2), 170-181, 2023
The oxidation state of nanophase Fe particles in lunar soil: Implications for space weathering
MS Thompson, TJ Zega, P Becerra, JT Keane, S Byrne
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 51 (6), 1082-1095, 2016
Microchemical and structural evidence for space weathering in soils from asteroid Itokawa
MS Thompson, R Christoffersen, TJ Zega, LP Keller
Earth, Planets and Space 66, 1-10, 2014
Spectral and chemical effects of simulated space weathering of the Murchison CM2 carbonaceous chondrite
MS Thompson, MJ Loeffler, RV Morris, LP Keller, R Christoffersen
Icarus 319, 499-511, 2019
The effect of progressive space weathering on the organic and inorganic components of a carbonaceous chondrite
MS Thompson, RV Morris, SJ Clemett, MJ Loeffler, D Trang, LP Keller, ...
Icarus 346, 113775, 2020
Characterizing the spectral, microstructural, and chemical effects of solar wind irradiation on the Murchison carbonaceous chondrite through coordinated analyses
DL Laczniak, MS Thompson, R Christoffersen, CA Dukes, SJ Clemett, ...
Icarus 364, 114479, 2021
Solar wind contributions to Earth’s oceans
L Daly, MR Lee, LJ Hallis, HA Ishii, JP Bradley, PA Bland, DW Saxey, ...
Nature Astronomy 5 (12), 1275-1285, 2021
In situ experimental formation and growth of Fe nanoparticles and vesicles in lunar soil
MS Thompson, TJ Zega, JY Howe
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 52 (3), 413-427, 2017
The role of hydrated minerals and space weathering products in the bluing of carbonaceous asteroids
D Trang, MS Thompson, BE Clark, HH Kaplan, XD Zou, JY Li, SM Ferrone, ...
The Planetary Science Journal 2 (2), 68, 2021
Composition of organics on asteroid (101955) Bennu
HH Kaplan, AA Simon, VE Hamilton, MS Thompson, SA Sandford, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 653, L1, 2021
Space weathering of FeS induced via pulsed laser irradiation
BS Prince, MP Magnuson, LC Chaves, MS Thompson, MJ Loeffler
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 125 (5), e2019JE006242, 2020
Microstructural analysis of Wark‐Lovering rims in the Allende and Axtell CV 3 chondrites: Implications for high‐temperature nebular processes
D Bolser, TJ Zega, A Asaduzzaman, S Bringuier, SB Simon, L Grossman, ...
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 51 (4), 743-756, 2016
Nonequilibrium spherulitic magnetite in the Ryugu samples
E Dobrică, HA Ishii, JP Bradley, K Ohtaki, AJ Brearley, T Noguchi, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 346, 65-75, 2023
Revolutionizing our understanding of the Solar System via sample return from Mercury
KE Vander Kaaden, FM McCubbin, PK Byrne, NL Chabot, CM Ernst, ...
Space Science Reviews 215, 1-30, 2019
In situ thermal shock of lunar and planetary materials using a newly developed MEMS heating holder in a STEM/SEM
JY Howe, MS Thompson, S Dogel, K Ueda, T Matsumoto, H Kikuchi, ...
Microscopy and Microanalysis 23 (S1), 66-67, 2017
The smallest lunar grains: analytical tem characterization of the sub-micron size fraction of a mare soil
M Thompson, R Christoffersen
41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2010), 2010
Influx of nitrogen-rich material from the outer Solar System indicated by iron nitride in Ryugu samples
T Matsumoto, T Noguchi, A Miyake, Y Igami, M Haruta, Y Seto, ...
Nature Astronomy 8 (2), 207-215, 2024
Space weathering at the Moon
BW Denevi, SK Noble, R Christoffersen, MS Thompson, TD Glotch, ...
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 89 (1), 611-650, 2023
Mineralogy and petrology of fine‐grained samples recovered from the asteroid (162173) Ryugu
T Noguchi, T Matsumoto, A Miyake, Y Igami, M Haruta, H Saito, S Hata, ...
Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 2023
Space weathering signatures in sulfide and silicate minerals from asteroid Itokawa
LC Chaves, MS Thompson
Earth, Planets and Space 74 (1), 124, 2022
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