Johannes Pseiner
Johannes Pseiner
P.h.D student IQOQI Vienna, University of Vienna and Austrian Academy of Sciences
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Versailles project on advanced materials and standards interlaboratory study on measuring the thickness and chemistry of nanoparticle coatings using XPS and LEIS
NA Belsey, DJH Cant, C Minelli, JR Araujo, B Bock, P Brüner, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (42), 24070-24079, 2016
Experimental wavelength-multiplexed entanglement-based quantum cryptography
J Pseiner, L Achatz, L Bulla, M Bohmann, R Ursin
Quantum Science and Technology 6 035013, 2020
Advances in entanglement-based QKD for space applications
S Ecker, J Pseiner, J Piris, M Bohmann
International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 2022 12777, 925-945, 2023
VAMAS inter-laboratory study on measuring the thickness and chemistry of nanoparticle coatings using XPS and LEIS
N Belsey, D Cant, C Minelli, J Araujo, B Bock, P Brüner, D Castner, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C: Nanomaterials, Interfaces and Hard …, 2016
Yearbook on space policy 20092010
KU Schrogl, S Pagkratis, B Baranes
SpringerWienNewYork, 2011
Multiplexed entanglement-based quantum cryptography: concept and implementations
M Bohmann, E Ortega, J Pseiner, L Achatz, L Bulla, K Dovzhik, R Shiozaki, ...
CLEO: Applications and Technology, ATu1S. 5, 2021
Quantum interference between distant creation processes
J Pseiner, M Erhard, M Krenn
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013294, 2023
Towards a Global Satellite Quantum Network: Optimized Entanglement Distribution in a Dynamic Satellite System
E Loukiantchenko, J Grover, J Pseiner
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2023, K67. 006, 2023
Novel quantum optical experiments featuring quantum coherence and quantum communication
J Pseiner
University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics, 2022
Experimental high-rate multiplexed quantum communication
M Bohmann, E Ortega, J Pseiner, SP Neumann, L Achatz, L Bulla, ...
Quantum Information and Measurement, M2C. 5, 2021
Modelling entire XPS spectra of core-shell nanoparticles (CSNP)
M Hronek, H Kalbe, J Pseiner, CJ Powell, WSM Werner
Investigation of the electronic structure of insulators using single and double electron spectroscopy
V Astasauskas, P Kuksa, J Pseiner, H Kalbe, A Bellissimo, WSM Werner
Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards Interlaboratory Study on Measuring the Thickness and Chemistry of Nanoparticle Coatings Using XPS and LEIS
CD JH, M Caterina, B Bernd, B Philipp, C Giacomo, CJ DP, F Sarah, ...
Quantification of X-ray photoelectron data from core-shell nanoparticles
J Pseiner
Wien, 2016
Advances in entanglement distribution from space
M Bohmann
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