Juan J. Manfredi, Jr.
Juan J. Manfredi, Jr.
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Probing the symmetry energy with the spectral pion ratio
J Estee, WG Lynch, CY Tsang, J Barney, G Jhang, MB Tsang, R Wang, ...
Physical review letters 126 (16), 162701, 2021
Democratic Decay of Exposed by Correlations
IA Egorova, RJ Charity, LV Grigorenko, Z Chajecki, D Coupland, JM Elson, ...
Physical Review Letters 109 (20), 202502, 2012
Investigations of three-, four-, and five-particle decay channels of levels in light nuclei created using a beam
RJ Charity, JM Elson, J Manfredi, R Shane, LG Sobotka, BA Brown, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 84 (1), 014320, 2011
decay of the excited states in C at 7.65 and 9.64 MeV
J Manfredi, RJ Charity, K Mercurio, R Shane, LG Sobotka, AH Wuosmaa, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 85 (3), 037603, 2012
Two-proton decay of O and its isobaric analog state in N
MF Jager, RJ Charity, JM Elson, J Manfredi, MH Mahzoon, LG Sobotka, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 86 (1), 011304, 2012
Observation of Long-Range Three-Body Coulomb Effects in the Decay of
KW Brown, RJ Charity, LG Sobotka, Z Chajecki, LV Grigorenko, ...
Physical Review Letters 113 (23), 232501, 2014
Symmetry energy investigation with pion production from Sn+ Sn systems
G Jhang, J Estee, J Barney, G Cerizza, M Kaneko, JW Lee, WG Lynch, ...
Physics Letters B 813, 136016, 2021
First Observation of Unbound , the Mirror of the Halo Nucleus
TB Webb, SM Wang, KW Brown, RJ Charity, JM Elson, J Barney, ...
Physical Review Letters 122 (12), 122501, 2019
Interplay between sequential and prompt two-proton decay from the first excited state of
KW Brown, RJ Charity, LG Sobotka, LV Grigorenko, TA Golubkova, ...
Physical Review C 92 (3), 034329, 2015
Optical potentials for the rare-isotope beam era
C Hebborn, FM Nunes, G Potel, WH Dickhoff, JW Holt, MC Atkinson, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 50 (6), 060501, 2023
Comparative scintillation performance of EJ-309, EJ-276, and a novel organic glass
TA Laplace, BL Goldblum, JE Bevins, DL Bleuel, E Bourret, JA Brown, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 15 (11), P11020, 2020
- decay of and isospin-allowed decay of the isobaric-analog state in
RJ Charity, JM Elson, J Manfredi, R Shane, LG Sobotka, Z Chajecki, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 82 (4), 041304, 2010
Invariant-mass spectroscopy of , and excited states formed in neutron-transfer reactions
RJ Charity, KW Brown, J Elson, W Reviol, LG Sobotka, WW Buhro, ...
Physical Review C 99 (4), 044304, 2019
Non-linearity effects on the light-output calibration of light charged particles in CsI (Tl) scintillator crystals
D Dell’Aquila, S Sweany, KW Brown, Z Chajecki, WG Lynch, FCE Teh, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2019
Proton-decaying states in light nuclei and the first observation of
KW Brown, RJ Charity, JM Elson, W Reviol, LG Sobotka, WW Buhro, ...
Physical Review C 95 (4), 044326, 2017
Particle decays of levels in and investigated with the invariant-mass method
TB Webb, RJ Charity, JM Elson, DEM Hoff, CD Pruitt, LG Sobotka, ...
Physical Review C 100 (2), 024306, 2019
Isobaric multiplet mass equation for and 8
RJ Charity, JM Elson, J Manfredi, R Shane, LG Sobotka, Z Chajecki, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 84 (5), 051308, 2011
Proton decay of excited states in N and O and the astrophysical C(,N reaction rate
LG Sobotka, WW Buhro, RJ Charity, JM Elson, MF Jager, J Manfredi, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 87 (5), 054329, 2013
Ground-state properties of from the reaction
AH Wuosmaa, S Bedoor, KW Brown, WW Buhro, Z Chajecki, RJ Charity, ...
Physical Review C 95 (1), 014310, 2017
Observation of the Exotic Isotope Located Four Neutrons beyond the Proton Drip Line
RJ Charity, TB Webb, JM Elson, DEM Hoff, CD Pruitt, LG Sobotka, ...
Physical Review Letters 126 (13), 132501, 2021
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