Judith Herzfeld
Judith Herzfeld
Professor of Biophysical Chemistry, Brandeis University
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Sideband intensities in NMR spectra of samples spinning at the magic angle
J Herzfeld, AE Berger
The Journal of Chemical Physics 73 (12), 6021-6030, 1980
Dynamic nuclear polarization at high magnetic fields
T Maly, GT Debelouchina, VS Bajaj, KN Hu, CG Joo, ML Mak–Jurkauskas, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 128 (5), 2008
Cross polarization in the tilted frame: assignment and spectral simplification in heteronuclear spin systems
M Baldus, AT Petkova, J Herzfeld, RG Griffin
Molecular Physics 95 (6), 1197-1207, 1998
High frequency dynamic nuclear polarization
QZ Ni, E Daviso, TV Can, E Markhasin, SK Jawla, TM Swager, RJ Temkin, ...
Accounts of chemical research 46 (9), 1933-1941, 2013
High-field dynamic nuclear polarization for solid and solution biological NMR
AB Barnes, G De Paëpe, PCA Van Der Wel, KN Hu, CG Joo, VS Bajaj, ...
Applied magnetic resonance 34, 237-263, 2008
Functional and shunt states of bacteriorhodopsin resolved by 250 GHz dynamic nuclear polarization–enhanced solid-state NMR
VS Bajaj, ML Mak-Jurkauskas, M Belenky, J Herzfeld, RG Griffin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (23), 9244-9249, 2009
Dynamic nuclear polarization with a rigid biradical
Y Matsuki, T Maly, O Ouari, H Karoui, F Le Moigne, E Rizzato, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 48 (27), 4996-5000, 2009
Frequency Selective Heteronuclear Dipolar Recoupling in Rotating Solids:  Accurate 13C−15N Distance Measurements in Uniformly 13C,15N-labeled Peptides
CP Jaroniec, BA Tounge, J Herzfeld, RG Griffin
Journal of the American Chemical Society 123 (15), 3507-3519, 2001
Solid-state carbon-13 NMR detection of a perturbed 6-s-trans chromophore in bacteriorhodopsin
GS Harbison, SO Smith, JA Pardoen, JML Courtin, J Lugtenburg, ...
Biochemistry 24 (24), 6955-6962, 1985
Dark-adapted bacteriorhodopsin contains 13-cis, 15-syn and all-trans, 15-anti retinal Schiff bases.
GS Harbison, SO Smith, JA Pardoen, C Winkel, J Lugtenburg, J Herzfeld, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 81 (6), 1706-1709, 1984
Life in a crowded world: Workshop on the biological implications of macromolecular crowding
G Rivas, F Ferrone, J Herzfeld
EMBO reports 5 (1), 23-27, 2004
Determination of membrane protein structure by rotational resonance NMR: bacteriorhodopsin
F Creuzet, A McDermott, R Gebhard, K Van der Hoef, MB Spijker-Assink, ...
Science 251 (4995), 783-786, 1991
Energy transformations early in the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle revealed by DNP-enhanced solid-state NMR
ML Mak-Jurkauskas, VS Bajaj, MK Hornstein, M Belenky, RG Griffin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (3), 883-888, 2008
250 GHz CW gyrotron oscillator for dynamic nuclear polarization in biological solid state NMR
VS Bajaj, MK Hornstein, KE Kreischer, JR Sirigiri, PP Woskov, ...
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 189 (2), 251-279, 2007
Nuclear magnetic resonance study of the Schiff base in bacteriorhodopsin: counterion effects on the nitrogen-15 shift anisotropy
HJM De Groot, GS Harbison, J Herzfeld, RG Griffin
Biochemistry 28 (8), 3346-3353, 1989
Phosphorus-31 chemical-shift tensors in barium diethyl phosphate and urea-phosphoric acid: model compounds for phospholipid head-group studies.
J Herzfeld, RG Griffin, RA Haberkorn
Biochemistry 17 (14), 2711-2718, 1978
Macromolecular diffusion in crowded solutions
J Han, J Herzfeld
Biophysical journal 65 (3), 1155-1161, 1993
Solid-state carbon-13 and nitrogen-15 NMR study of the low pH forms of bacteriorhodopsin
HJM De Groot, SO Smith, J Courtin, E Van den Berg, C Winkel, ...
Biochemistry 29 (29), 6873-6883, 1990
“N Chemical Shift and lsN-13C Dipolar Tensors for the Peptide Bond in [l-13~ Glycyl [1s~ Glycine Hydrochloride Monohydrate
GS Harbison, LW Jelinsiu, RE Stark, DA Torchia, J Herzfeld, RG Griffin
Journal of magnetic resonance 60, 79-82, 1984
Solid-state nitrogen-15 nuclear magnetic resonance study of the Schiff base in bacteriorhodopsin
GS Harbison, J Herzfeld
Biochemistry 22 (1), 1-5, 1983
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