Yiqing Yao
Yiqing Yao
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A hybrid fusion algorithm for GPS/INS integration during GPS outages
Y Yao, X Xu, C Zhu, CY Chan
Measurement 103, 42-51, 2017
A novel SINS/DVL tightly integrated navigation method for complex environment
D Wang, X Xu, Y Yao, T Zhang, Y Zhu
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 69 (7), 5183-5196, 2019
A hybrid IMM based INS/DVL integration solution for underwater vehicles
Y Yao, X Xu, Y Li, T Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (6), 5459-5470, 2019
An IMM-UKF aided SINS/USBL calibration solution for underwater vehicles
Y Yao, X Xu, D Yang, X Xu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (4), 3740-3747, 2020
A novel BPNN-based method to overcome the GPS outages for INS/GPS system
G Wang, X Xu, Y Yao, J Tong
IEEE access 7, 82134-82143, 2019
A fast robust in-motion alignment method for SINS with DVL aided
X Xu, Y Sun, J Gui, Y Yao, T Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (4), 3816-3827, 2020
A robust in-motion alignment method with inertial sensors and Doppler velocity log
X Xu, J Gui, Y Sun, Y Yao, T Zhang
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 70, 1-13, 2020
Transverse Navigation under the Ellipsoidal Earth Model and its Performance in both Polar and Non-polar areas
Y Yao, X Xu, Y Li, Y Liu, J Sun, J Tong
The Journal of Navigation 69 (2), 335-352, 2016
Robust initial alignment for SINS/DVL based on reconstructed observation vectors
X Xu, Z Guo, Y Yao, T Zhang
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 25 (3), 1659-1667, 2020
A simple and precise correction method for DVL measurements under the dynamic environment
Y Yao, X Xu, L Hou, K Deng, X Xu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (10), 10750-10758, 2020
Virtual DVL reconstruction method for an integrated navigation system based on DS-LSSVM algorithm
D Wang, X Xu, Y Yao, T Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1-13, 2021
An IMM-aided ZUPT methodology for an INS/DVL integrated navigation system
Y Yao, X Xu, X Xu
Sensors 17 (9), 2030, 2017
In-motion coarse alignment method for SINS/DVL with the attitude dynamics
Y Yao, X Xu, Y Zhu, X Xu
ISA transactions 105, 377-386, 2020
A RLS-SVM aided fusion methodology for INS during GPS outages
Y Yao, X Xu
Sensors 17 (3), 432, 2017
A robust in-motion optimization-based alignment for SINS/GPS integration
X Xu, Y Sun, Y Yao, T Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (5), 4362-4372, 2021
An improved initial alignment method for SINS/GPS integration with vectors subtraction
Y Yao, X Xu, T Zhang, G Hu
IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (16), 18256-18262, 2021
A hybrid approach based on improved AR model and MAA for INS/DVL integrated navigation systems
D Wang, X Xu, Y Yao, Y Zhu, J Tong
IEEE Access 7, 82794-82808, 2019
A self-alignment algorithm for SINS based on gravitational apparent motion and sensor data denoising
Y Liu, X Xu, X Liu, Y Yao, L Wu, J Sun
Sensors 15 (5), 9827-9853, 2015
Virtual beam aided SINS/DVL tightly coupled integration method with partial DVL measurements
Y Yao, X Xu, X Xu, I Klein
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 72 (1), 418-427, 2022
An improved ICCP-based underwater terrain matching algorithm for large initial position error
J Zhang, T Zhang, C Zhang, Y Yao
IEEE Sensors Journal 22 (16), 16381-16391, 2022
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