José M. N. Vieira
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Neuro-fuzzy systems: a survey
J Vieira, FM Dias, A Mota
5th WSEAS NNA international conference on neural networks and applications …, 2004
Performance of cutting fluids during face milling of steels
JM Vieira, AR Machado, EO Ezugwu
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 116 (2-3), 244-251, 2001
Contabilidade de Gestão–Estratégia de custos e de resultados
D Ferreira–Coordenador, C Caldeira, J Asseiceiro, J Vieira, C Vicente
Tool wear analysis in milling of medium carbon steel with coated cemented carbide inserts using different machining lubrication/cooling systems
RB Da Silva, JM Vieira, RN Cardoso, HC Carvalho, ES Costa, ...
Wear 271 (9-10), 2459-2465, 2011
Artificial neural networks and neuro-fuzzy systems for modelling and controlling real systems: a comparative study
J Vieira, FM Dias, A Mota
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 17 (3), 265-273, 2004
How to mitigate impacts of wind farms on bats? A review of potential conservation measures in the European context
F Peste, A Paula, LP da Silva, J Bernardino, P Pereira, M Mascarenhas, ...
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 51, 10-22, 2015
On the improvement of localization accuracy with non-individualized HRTF-based sounds
C Mendonça, G Campos, P Dias, J Vieira, JP Ferreira, JA Santos
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 60 (10), 821-830, 2012
Accurate smartphone indoor positioning using a WSN infrastructure and non-invasive audio for TDoA estimation
SI Lopes, JMN Vieira, J Reis, D Albuquerque, NB Carvalho
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 20, 29-46, 2015
Planos de segurança da água para consumo humano em sistemas públicos de abastecimento
JM Vieira, C Morais
Instituto Regulador de Águas e Resíduos (IRAR), 2005
Gestão da água em Portugal. Os desafios do plano nacional da água
JMP Vieira
Engenharia Civil 16, 5-12, 2003
Automatic estimation of reverberation time
J Vieira
Audio Engineering Society Convention 116, 2004
A fully parallel architecture for designing frequency-agile and real-time reconfigurable FPGA-based RF digital transmitters
DC Dinis, RF Cordeiro, ASR Oliveira, J Vieira, TO Silva
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 66 (3), 1489-1499, 2017
A review on methods for random motion detection and compensation in bio-radar systems
C Gouveia, J Vieira, P Pinho
Sensors 19 (3), 604, 2019
Estimating the potential water reuse based on fuzzy reasoning
G Almeida, J Vieira, AS Marques, A Kiperstok, A Cardoso
Journal of environmental management 128, 883-892, 2013
Comparative analysis of wear on PVD TiN and (Ti1− x Alx) N coatings in machining process
RF Avila, RD Mancosu, AR Machado, SD Vecchio, RB Da Silva, JM Vieira
Wear 302 (1-2), 1192-1200, 2013
Estabelecimento e recuperação de pastagens de Panicum maximum
JM Vieira, AN Kichel
Simpósio sobre Manejo da Pastagem 12, 147-196, 1995
Different antenna designs for non-contact vital signs measurement: A review
C Gouveia, C Loss, P Pinho, J Vieira
Electronics 8 (11), 1294, 2019
Bio-inspired hybrid filter bank for software-defined radio receivers
JP Magalhães, JMN Vieira, R Gómez-Garcia, NB Carvalho
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 61 (4), 1455-1466, 2013
Study on the usage feasibility of continuous-wave radar for emotion recognition
C Gouveia, A Tomé, F Barros, SC Soares, J Vieira, P Pinho
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 58, 101835, 2020
Implementing the levenberg-marquardt algorithm on-line: A sliding window approach with early stopping
FM Dias, A Antunes, J Vieira, AM Mota
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 37 (16), 49-54, 2004
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Articles 1–20