Michael C. Runge
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Ecological and evolutionary traps
MA Schlaepfer, MC Runge, PW Sherman
Trends in ecology & evolution 17 (10), 474-480, 2002
Which uncertainty? Using expert elicitation and expected value of information to design an adaptive program
MC Runge, SJ Converse, JE Lyons
Biological Conservation 144 (4), 1214-1223, 2011
Monitoring in the context of structured decision‐making and adaptive management
JE Lyons, MC Runge, HP Laskowski, WL Kendall
The Journal of Wildlife Management 72 (8), 1683-1692, 2008
Introduced species as evolutionary traps
MA Schlaepfer, PW Sherman, B Blossey, MC Runge
Ecology letters 8 (3), 241-246, 2005
Climate change threatens polar bear populations: a stochastic demographic analysis
CM Hunter, H Caswell, MC Runge, EV Regehr, SC Amstrup, I Stirling
Ecology 91 (10), 2883-2897, 2010
Adaptive harvest management of North American waterfowl populations: a brief history and future prospects
JD Nichols, MC Runge, FA Johnson, BK Williams
Journal of Ornithology 148, 343-349, 2007
Structured decision making as a conceptual framework to identify thresholds for conservation and management
J Martin, MC Runge, JD Nichols, BC Lubow, WL Kendall
Ecological Applications 19 (5), 1079-1090, 2009
New interventions are needed to save coral reefs
K Anthony, LK Bay, R Costanza, J Firn, J Gunn, P Harrison, A Heyward, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (10), 1420-1422, 2017
The role of local populations within a landscape context: defining and classifying sources and sinks
JP Runge, MC Runge, JD Nichols
The American Naturalist 167 (6), 925-938, 2006
The use of photographic rates to estimate densities of tigers and other cryptic mammals: a comment on misleading conclusions
CS Jennelle, MC Runge, DI MacKenzie
Animal Conservation Fórum 5 (2), 119-120, 2002
Decision support frameworks and tools for conservation
MW Schwartz, CN Cook, RL Pressey, AS Pullin, MC Runge, N Salafsky, ...
Conservation Letters 11 (2), e12385, 2018
An introduction to adaptive management for threatened and endangered species
MC Runge
Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 2 (2), 220-233, 2011
Allocating monitoring effort in the face of unknown unknowns
BA Wintle, MC Runge, SA Bekessy
Ecology letters 13 (11), 1325-1337, 2010
Conservation in the face of climate change: the roles of alternative models, monitoring, and adaptation in confronting and reducing uncertainty
MJ Conroy, MC Runge, JD Nichols, KW Stodola, RJ Cooper
Biological Conservation 144 (4), 1204-1213, 2011
Optimal timing for managed relocation of species faced with climate change
E McDonald-Madden, MC Runge, HP Possingham, TG Martin
Nature Climate Change 1 (5), 261-265, 2011
Modeling of future COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, by vaccination rates and nonpharmaceutical intervention scenarios—United States, April–September 2021
RK Borchering
MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 70, 2021
Planning for robust reserve networks using uncertainty analysis
A Moilanen, MC Runge, J Elith, A Tyre, Y Carmel, E Fegraus, BA Wintle, ...
Ecological Modelling 199 (1), 115-124, 2006
Modeling seasonal interactions in the population dynamics of migratory birds
MC Runge, PP Marra
Birds of two worlds: the ecology and evolution of migration, 2005
White-nose syndrome is likely to extirpate the endangered Indiana bat over large parts of its range
WE Thogmartin, CA Sanders-Reed, JA Szymanski, PC McKann, L Pruitt, ...
Biological Conservation 160, 162-172, 2013
Adaptive management and the value of information: learning via intervention in epidemiology
K Shea, MJ Tildesley, MC Runge, CJ Fonnesbeck, MJ Ferrari
PLoS biology 12 (10), e1001970, 2014
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