Ricardo Viteri
Ricardo Viteri
Staff Physicist
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Challenges of laser-cooling molecular ions
JHV Nguyen, CR Viteri, EG Hohenstein, CD Sherrill, KR Brown, B Odom
New Journal of Physics 13 (6), 063023, 2011
Detection of single-ion spectra by Coulomb-crystal heating
CR Clark, JE Goeders, YK Dodia, CR Viteri, KR Brown
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (4), 043428, 2010
Probing the Dynamic Guest− Host Interactions in Sol− Gel Films Using Single Molecule Spectroscopy
CR Viteri, JW Gilliland, WT Yip
Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (7), 1980-1987, 2003
A study of thin film solid phase microextraction methods for analysis of fluorinated benzoic acids in seawater
E Boyacı, K Goryński, CR Viteri, J Pawliszyn
Journal of Chromatography A 1436, 51-58, 2016
Infrared Spectra of C2H6, C2H4, C2H2, and CO2 Aerosols Potentially Formed in Titan’s Atmosphere
CC Wang, P Zielke, OF Sigurbjörnsson, CR Viteri, R Signorell
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113 (42), 11129-11137, 2009
Identifying single molecular ions by resolved sideband measurements
JE Goeders, CR Clark, G Vittorini, K Wright, CR Viteri, KR Brown
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 (39), 9725-9731, 2013
Occurrence of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in a sanitary sewer system: Implications for assessing vapor intrusion alternative pathways
M Roghani, OP Jacobs, A Miller, EJ Willett, JA Jacobs, CR Viteri, E Shirazi, ...
Science of The Total Environment 616, 1149-1162, 2018
Rovibrational characterization of X 2Sigma+ 11BH+ by the extrapolation of photoselected high Rydberg series in 11BH.
R Viteri, AT Gilkison, SJ Rixon, ER Grant
The Journal of chemical physics 124 (14), 144312-144312, 2006
Coupling of electron orbital motion with rotation in the high Rydberg states of BH
AT Gilkison, CR Viteri, ER Grant
Physical review letters 92 (17), 173005, 2004
Isolated core excitation of : Photoabsorption in competition with Rydberg predissociation
CR Viteri, AT Gilkison, SJ Rixon, ER Grant
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (1), 013410, 2007
Dynamics of dissociative recombination versus electron ejection in single rovibronic resonances of BH
C Ricardo Viteri, AT Gilkison, ER Grant
The Journal of chemical physics 126 (8), 2007
Discrete–continuum and discrete–discrete interactions in the autoionization spectrum of 11 BH
CR Viteri, AT Gilkison, FS Schröder, ER Grant
Molecular Physics 105 (11-12), 1589-1602, 2007
Ethanol adsorption on SrTiO3 surfaces
A Stashans, R Viteri, J Torres
International journal of quantum chemistry 106 (7), 1715-1719, 2006
The np Rydberg series of boron monohydride: l-uncoupling and Rydberg electron interactions with the rovibrational motion of the ion core
CR Viteri, AT Gilkison, ER Grant
The Journal of Chemical Physics 136 (21), 2012
Spectroscopic experiments on autoionization and neutral fragmentation in the high-Rydberg states of BH
AT Gilkison, CR Viteri, ER Grant
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 4 (1), 261, 2005
Quantum-chemical study of excitons in tetragonal BaTiO3 and SrTiO3 crystals
R Viteri, LM Procel, F Tipan, DF Ortiz, A Stashans
Advanced Organic and Inorganic Optical Materials 5122, 295-302, 2003
Quién votó por Yunda: dónde fueron a parar los votos de Barrera y Rodas
R Viteri
GK (blog), 2019
Monte Carlo analysis of critical phenomenon of the Ising model on memory stabilizer structures
CR Viteri, Y Tomita, KR Brown
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (4), 042313, 2009
El cálculo electoral con el nuevo Código de la Democracia. GK. CITY
R Viteri
Laser-cooled atomic ions as probes of molecular ions
KR Brown, CR Viteri, CR Clark, JE Goeders, NB Khanyile, GD Vittorini
AIP Conference Proceedings 1642 (1), 392-395, 2015
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Articles 1–20