Abebe Sine Gebregiorgis, Ph.D., P.E., CFM
Abebe Sine Gebregiorgis, Ph.D., P.E., CFM
Flood Control District - Houston, TX
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Cited by
Inter-comparison of high-resolution satellite precipitation products over Central Asia
H Guo, S Chen, A Bao, J Hu, AS Gebregiorgis, X Xue, X Zhang
Remote Sensing 7 (6), 7181-7211, 2015
Understanding the dependence of satellite rainfall uncertainty on topography and climate for hydrologic model simulation
AS Gebregiorgis, F Hossain
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 51 (1), 704-718, 2012
To what extent is the day 1 GPM IMERG satellite precipitation estimate improved as compared to TRMM TMPA‐RT?
AS Gebregiorgis, PE Kirstetter, YE Hong, JJ Gourley, GJ Huffman, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (3), 1694-1707, 2018
How well can we estimate error variance of satellite precipitation data around the world?
AS Gebregiorgis, F Hossain
Atmospheric Research 154, 39-59, 2015
Tracing hydrologic model simulation error as a function of satellite rainfall estimation bias components and land use and land cover conditions
AS Gebregiorgis, Y Tian, CD Peters‐Lidard, F Hossain
Water resources research 48 (11), 2012
Hydrological risk assessment of old dams: Case study on Wilson Dam of Tennessee River Basin
AS Gebregiorgis, F Hossain
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 17 (1), 201-212, 2012
How much can a priori hydrologic model predictability help in optimal merging of satellite precipitation products?
A Gebregiorgis, F Hossain
Journal of Hydrometeorology 12 (6), 1287-1298, 2011
Understanding overland multisensor satellite precipitation error in TMPA-RT products
AS Gebregiorgis, PE Kirstetter, YE Hong, NJ Carr, JJ Gourley, W Petersen, ...
Journal of Hydrometeorology 18 (2), 285-306, 2017
Estimation of satellite rainfall error variance using readily available geophysical features
AS Gebregiorgis, F Hossain
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 52 (1), 288-304, 2013
Hydrologic evaluation of the TRMM multisatellite precipitation analysis over Ganjiang Basin in humid southeastern China
S Chen, J Hu, Z Zhang, A Behrangi, Y Hong, AS Gebregiorgis, J Cao, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2015
Making satellite precipitation data work for the developing world
A Gebregiorgis, F Hossain
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine 2 (2), 24-36, 2014
Climate vulnerability on the water resources systems and potential adaptation approaches in East Africa: the case of Ethiopia
SA Moges, AS Gebregiorgis
Academic Press, 2013
Case study: rapid urban inundation forecasting technique based on quantitative precipitation forecast for Houston and Harris county flood control district
MS Sikder, S Ahmad, F Hossain, AS Gebregiorgis, H Lee
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 24 (8), 05019017, 2019
Performance evaluation of merged satellite rainfall products based on spatial and seasonal signatures of hydrologic predictability
A Gebregiorgis, F Hossain
Atmospheric research 132, 223-238, 2013
Basin regionalization for the purpose of water resource development in a limited data situation: Case of Blue Nile River Basin, Ethiopia
AS Gebregiorgis, SA Moges, SB Awulachew
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 18 (10), 1349-1359, 2013
Inter-comparison of high-resolution satellite precipitation products over Central Asia. Remote Sens., 7, 7181–7211
H Guo, S Chen, A Bao, J Hu, AS Gebregiorgis, X Xue, X Zhang
Hydrological Risk Assessment for Hydropower Dam in Tennessee River Basin
A Gebregiorgis, F Hossain
Forecasting Inundation Extents using REOF analysis (FIER) over Greater Houston in Texas
H Lee, CH Chang, AS Gebregiorgis, K Lander
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, H162-0009, 2020
Developing Real-Time Flood Inundation Mapping Tool for Harris County-Houston, TX
AS Gebregiorgis, TS Ward, A Hannan
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, NH31B-0979, 2018
Satellite Rainfall Uncertainty Estimation by Mathematical Models Using Geophysical Features and Rainfall Rate
AS Gebregiorgis, F Hossain
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2012, H44E-07, 2012
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Articles 1–20