Sean Nixon
Sean Nixon
Mathematics and Statistics, University of Vermont
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Stability analysis for solitons in -symmetric optical lattices
S Nixon, L Ge, J Yang
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (2), 023822, 2012
Conical diffraction in honeycomb lattices
MJ Ablowitz, SD Nixon, Y Zhu
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (5), 053830, 2009
All-real spectra in optical systems with arbitrary gain-and-loss distributions
S Nixon, J Yang
Physical Review A 93 (3), 031802, 2016
Perturbations of dark solitons
MJ Ablowitz, SD Nixon, TP Horikis, DJ Frantzeskakis
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2011
Dark solitons in mode-locked lasers
MJ Ablowitz, TP Horikis, SD Nixon, DJ Frantzeskakis
Optics letters 36 (6), 793-795, 2011
Nonlinear dynamics of wave packets in PT-symmetric optical lattices near the phase transition point
S Nixon, Y Zhu, J Yang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1208.5995, 2012
Stability of soliton families in nonlinear Schrödinger equations with non-parity-time-symmetric complex potentials
J Yang, S Nixon
Physics Letters A 380 (45), 3803-3809, 2016
Bifurcation of Soliton Families from Linear Modes in Non‐‐Symmetric Complex Potentials
SD Nixon, J Yang
Studies in Applied Mathematics 136 (4), 459-483, 2016
Nonlinear light behaviors near phase transition in non-parity-time-symmetric complex waveguides
S Nixon, J Yang
Optics Letters 41 (12), 2747-2750, 2016
Nonlinear wave dynamics near phase transition in PT-symmetric localized potentials
S Nixon, J Yang
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 331, 48-57, 2016
Soliton strings and interactions in mode-locked lasers
MJ Ablowitz, TP Horikis, SD Nixon
Optics communications 282 (20), 4127-4135, 2009
Asymptotic Analysis of Pulse Dynamics in Mode‐Locked Lasers
MJ Ablowitz, TP Horikis, SD Nixon, Y Zhu
Studies in Applied Mathematics 122 (4), 411-425, 2009
Light propagation in periodically modulated complex waveguides
S Nixon, J Yang
Physical Review A 91 (3), 033807, 2015
Dark solitons of the power-energy saturation model: application to mode-locked lasers
MJ Ablowitz, SD Nixon, TP Horikis, DJ Frantzeskakis
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (9), 095201, 2013
Pyramid diffraction in parity-time-symmetric optical lattices
S Nixon, J Yang
Optics Letters 38 (11), 1933-1935, 2013
Exponential asymptotics for solitons in‐symmetric periodic potentials
SD Nixon, J Yang
Studies in Applied Mathematics 133 (4), 373-397, 2014
Stable utility design for distributed resource allocation
R Gopalakrishnan, SD Nixon, JR Marden
53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1161-1166, 2014
Unified approach to floquet lattices, topological insulators, and their nonlinear dynamics
MJ Ablowitz, JT Cole, SD Nixon
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 83 (4), 1623-1653, 2023
New Aspects of Exponential Asymptotics in Multiple‐Scale Nonlinear Wave Problems
SD Nixon, TR Akylas, J Yang
Studies in Applied Mathematics 139 (2), 223-247, 2017
Exponential asymptotics for line solitons in two‐dimensional periodic potentials
SD Nixon, TR Akylas, J Yang
Studies in Applied Mathematics 131 (2), 149-178, 2013
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