Adina Crainiceanu
Adina Crainiceanu
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Querying peer-to-peer networks using p-trees
A Crainiceanu, P Linga, J Gehrke, J Shanmugasundaram
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on the Web and Databases …, 2004
Rya: a scalable RDF triple store for the clouds
R Punnoose, A Crainiceanu, D Rapp
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Cloud Intelligence, 1-8, 2012
P-ring: an efficient and robust p2p range index structure
A Crainiceanu, P Linga, A Machanavajjhala, J Gehrke, ...
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2007
Quantifying the reliability of image replication studies: the image intraclass correlation coefficient (I2C2)
H Shou, A Eloyan, S Lee, V Zipunnikov, AN Crainiceanu, MB Nebel, ...
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 13, 714-724, 2013
P-tree: a p2p index for resource discovery applications
A Crainiceanu, P Linga, J Gehrke, J Shanmugasundaram
Proceedings of the 13th international World Wide Web conference on Alternate …, 2004
Bloofi: Multidimensional bloom filters
A Crainiceanu, D Lemire
Information Systems 54, 311-324, 2015
SPARQL in the cloud using Rya
R Punnoose, A Crainiceanu, D Rapp
Information Systems 48, 181-195, 2015
Guaranteeing correctness and availability in p2p range indices
P Linga, A Crainiceanu, J Gehrke, J Shanmugasudaram
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2005
Bloofi: a hierarchical Bloom filter index with applications to distributed data provenance
A Crainiceanu
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Cloud Intelligence, 1-8, 2013
P-ring: An index structure for peer-to-peer systems
A Crainiceanu, P Linga, A Machanavajjhala, J Gehrke, ...
Cornell University, 2004
Peer-to-Peer Sharing of Web Applications
RJ Bayardo Jr, A Costea, R Agrawal
IBM Research Report RJ 10268, 2002
Load balancing and range queries in p2p systems using p-ring
A Crainiceanu, P Linga, A Machanavajjhala, J Gehrke, ...
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 10 (4), 1-30, 2011
An indexing framework for peer-to-peer systems
A Crainiceanu, P Linga, A Machanavajjhala, J Gehrke, ...
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2004
Obesity history and daily patterns of physical activity at age 60–64 years: findings from the MRC National Survey of Health and Development
R Cooper, L Huang, R Hardy, A Crainiceanu, T Harris, JA Schrack, ...
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences …, 2017
The upstrap
CM Crainiceanu, A Crainiceanu
Biostatistics 21 (2), e164-e166, 2020
Efficient and privacy-preserving collaborative intrusion detection using additive secret sharing and differential privacy
L Mokry, P Slife, P Bishop, J Quiroz, C Guzzi, Z Chen, A Crainiceanu, ...
2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 3324-3333, 2021
MATS: A Multi-aspect and Adaptive Trust-based Situation-aware Access Control Framework for Federated Data-as-a-Service Systems
D Kim, N Alodadi, Z Chen, KP Joshi, A Crainiceanu, D Needham
2022 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC), 54-64, 2022
A storage and indexing framework for p2p systems
A Crainiceanu, P Linga, A Machanavajjhala, J Gehrke, ...
Proceedings of the 13th international World Wide Web conference on Alternate …, 2004
Rdfint: A benchmark for comparing data warehouse with virtual integration approaches for integration of rdf data
S Oni, K Pansare, SS Arneja, Z Chen, A Crainiceanu, D Needham
2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2820-2826, 2020
A framework for situation-aware access control in federated data-as-a-service systems based on query rewriting
S Oni, Z Chen, A Crainiceanu, KP Joshi, D Needham
2020 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC), 1-11, 2020
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