Thomas Franosch
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Anomalous transport in the crowded world of biological cells
F Höfling, T Franosch
Reports on Progress in Physics 76 (4), 046602, 2013
Phase coexistence in driven one-dimensional transport
A Parmeggiani, T Franosch, E Frey
Physical review letters 90 (8), 086601, 2003
Resonances arising from hydrodynamic memory in Brownian motion
T Franosch, M Grimm, M Belushkin, FM Mor, G Foffi, L Forró, S Jeney
Nature 478 (7367), 85-88, 2011
Totally asymmetric simple exclusion process with Langmuir kinetics
A Parmeggiani, T Franosch, E Frey
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (4 …, 2004
Asymptotic laws and preasymptotic correction formulas for the relaxation near glass-transition singularities
T Franosch, M Fuchs, W Götze, MR Mayr, AP Singh
Physical Review E 55 (6), 7153, 1997
Localization transition of the three-dimensional Lorentz model and continuum percolation
F Höf<? format?> ling, T Franosch, E Frey
Physical review letters 96 (16), 165901, 2006
Theory for the reorientational dynamics in glass-forming liquids
T Franosch, M Fuchs, W Götze, MR Mayr, AP Singh
Physical Review E 56 (5), 5659, 1997
Evolution of structural relaxation spectra of glycerol within the gigahertz band
T Franosch, W Götze, MR Mayr, AP Singh
Physical Review E 55 (3), 3183, 1997
Development of anomalous diffusion among crowding proteins
MR Horton, F Höfling, JO Rädler, T Franosch
Soft Matter 6 (12), 2648-2656, 2010
Brownian motion in a Maxwell fluid
M Grimm, S Jeney, T Franosch
Soft Matter 7 (5), 2076-2084, 2011
Probing the spatiotemporal dynamics of catalytic Janus particles with single-particle tracking and differential dynamic microscopy
C Kurzthaler, C Devailly, J Arlt, T Franosch, WCK Poon, VA Martinez, ...
Physical review letters 121 (7), 078001, 2018
Exclusion processes with internal states
T Reichenbach, T Franosch, E Frey
Physical review letters 97 (5), 050603, 2006
Intermediate scattering function of an anisotropic active Brownian particle
C Kurzthaler, S Leitmann, T Franosch
Scientific reports 6 (1), 36702, 2016
Glass transition in confined geometry
S Lang, V Boţan, M Oettel, D Hajnal, T Franosch, R Schilling
Physical review letters 105 (12), 125701, 2010
Chemotactic cell trapping in controlled alternating gradient fields
B Meier, A Zielinski, C Weber, D Arcizet, S Youssef, T Franosch, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (28), 11417-11422, 2011
Critical dynamics of ballistic and Brownian particles in a heterogeneous environment
F Höfling, T Munk, E Frey, T Franosch
The Journal of chemical physics 128 (16), 2008
Anisotropic memory effects in confined colloidal diffusion
S Jeney, B Lukić, JA Kraus, T Franosch, L Forró
Physical review letters 100 (24), 240604, 2008
The localization transition of the two-dimensional Lorentz model
T Bauer, F Höfling, T Munk, E Frey, T Franosch
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 189, 103-118, 2010
Traffic jams induced by rare switching events in two-lane transport
T Reichenbach, E Frey, T Franosch
New Journal of Physics 9 (6), 159, 2007
Crossover in the slow decay of dynamic correlations in the Lorentz model
F Höfling, T Franosch
Physical review letters 98 (14), 140601, 2007
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