Yanning Guo
Yanning Guo
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Applications of generalized zero-effort-miss/zero-effort-velocity feedback guidance algorithm
Y Guo, M Hawkins, B Wie
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 36 (3), 810-820, 2013
Waypoint-optimized zero-effort-miss/zero-effort-velocity feedback guidance for Mars landing
Y Guo, M Hawkins, B Wie
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 36 (3), 799-809, 2013
Formation–containment control for networked Euler–Lagrange systems with input saturation
C Li, L Chen, Y Guo, G Ma
Nonlinear Dynamics 91, 1307-1320, 2018
Multiple missiles cooperative guidance with simultaneous attack requirement under directed topologies
T Lyu, Y Guo, C Li, G Ma, H Zhang
Aerospace Science and Technology 89, 100-110, 2019
Formation-containment control of networked Euler–Lagrange systems: An event-triggered framework
L Chen, C Li, B Xiao, Y Guo
ISA transactions 86, 87-97, 2019
Spacecraft guidance algorithms for asteroid intercept and rendezvous missions
M Hawkins, Y Guo, B Wie
International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences 13 (2), 154-169, 2012
Three-dimensional finite-time cooperative guidance for multiple missiles without radial velocity measurements
LYU Teng, LI Chuanjiang, GUO Yanning, MA Guangfu
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 32 (5), 1294-1304, 2019
Forecasting-based data-driven model-free adaptive sliding mode attitude control of combined spacecraft
H Gao, G Ma, Y Lv, Y Guo
Aerospace Science and Technology 86, 364-374, 2019
Optimal feedback guidance algorithms for planetary landing and asteroid intercept
Y Guo, M Hawkins, B Wie
AAS/AIAA astrodynamics specialist conference, 2011-588, 2011
ZEM/ZEV feedback guidance application to fuel-efficient orbital maneuvers around an irregular-shaped asteroid
M Hawkins, Y Guo, B Wie
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, 5045, 2012
New differential geometric guidance strategies for impact-time control problem
P Wang, Y Guo, G Ma, B Wie
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 42 (9), 1982-1992, 2019
Collision avoidance ZEM/ZEV optimal feedback guidance for powered descent phase of landing on Mars
Y Zhang, Y Guo, G Ma, T Zeng
Advances in space research 59 (6), 1514-1525, 2017
A multi power reaching law of sliding mode control design and analysis
Y Zhang, GF Ma, YN Guo, TY Zeng
Zidonghua Xuebao/Acta Automatica Sinica 42 (3), 466-472, 2016
Data-driven model-free adaptive attitude control of partially constrained combined spacecraft with external disturbances and input saturation
GAO Han, MA Guangfu, LYU Yueyong, GUO Yanning
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 32 (5), 1281-1293, 2019
Leader–follower affine formation control of second-order nonlinear uncertain multi-agent systems
H Zhi, L Chen, C Li, Y Guo
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 68 (12), 3547-3551, 2021
Satellite formation-containment flying control with collision avoidance
L Chen, Y Guo, C Li, J Huang
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 15 (5), 253-270, 2018
Lidar-IMU and wheel odometer based autonomous vehicle localization system
S Zhang, Y Guo, Q Zhu, Z Liu
2019 Chinese control and decision conference (CCDC), 4950-4955, 2019
Relative position coordinated control for spacecraft formation flying with obstacle/collision avoidance
W Wang, C Li, Y Guo
Nonlinear Dynamics 104, 1329-1342, 2021
Formation–containment control of multi-agent systems with communication delays
L Chen, C Li, Y Guo, G Ma, Y Li, B Xiao
ISA transactions 128, 32-43, 2022
Cooperative surrounding control with collision avoidance for networked Lagrangian systems
C Li, L Chen, Y Guo, Y Lyu
Journal of the Franklin Institute 355 (12), 5182-5202, 2018
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