M. A. Wani
M. A. Wani
Assistant professor, SKUAST-KASHMIR
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Characterization of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm for morphological and seed nutrient traits from Western Himalayas
S Jan, IA Rather, PA Sofi, MA Wani, FA Sheikh, MA Bhat, RR Mir
Legume Science 3 (2), e86, 2021
Genotype-environment interaction and stability analysis in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for protein and gluten contents
N Saleem, M Ahmad, SA Wani, MA Wani, R Vashnavi, ZA Dar
Scientific Research and Essays 10 (7), 260-265, 2015
Variability studies in brown sarson (Brassica rapa L.)
ZA Dar, SA Wani, G Zaffar, M Habib, MA Wani, A Ashfaq, MH Khan, ...
Res. J. Agric. Sci 1 (3), 273-274, 2010
Heterosis and combining ability analysis for seed yield and its attributes in Brassica rapa ssp. brown sarson
ZA Dar, SA Wani, MA Wani
Journal of Oilseed Brassica 1 (1), 21-28, 2016
Genetic diversity, variability and character association in local common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm of Kashmir
S Mudasir, PA Sofi, MN Khan, NR Sofi, ZA Dar, MA Wani
Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 3 (3), 883-891, 2012
Combining ability analysis in early maturing maize inbred lines under temperate conditions
MMA Wani, SA Wani, ZA Dar, AA Lone, I Abedi, A Gazal
Int. J. Pure App. Biosci 5 (2), 456-466, 2017
Stability analysis for yield and yield related traits in fodder oats (Avena sativa L.)
FA Nehvi, SA Wani, MA Wani, MI Maqhdoomi, BA Allai, W Yousuf, ...
Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 2007
Disease reaction studies of maize (Zea mays L.) against turcicum leaf blight involving indigenously identified cytosterile source
A Ishfaq, ZA Dar, MA Wani, AA Lone, G Ali, A Gazal, B Hamid, ...
African Journal of Microbiology Research 8 (27), 2592-2597, 2014
Line× tester analysis in maize (Zea mays L.) for various morpho-agronomic traits under temperate conditions
ZA Dar, AA Lone, NS Khuroo, G Ali, I Abidi, MA Ahangar, MA Wani, ...
Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci 6 (7), 1430-1437, 2017
Molecular breeding for resilience in maize-a review
A Gazal, ZA Dar, AA Lone, I Abidi, G Ali, MA Wani
Journal of Applied and Natural Science 7 (2), 1057-1063, 2015
Correlation studies in temperate maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines
ZA Dar, AA Lone, BA Alaie, G Ali, MA Wani, A Gazal, S Gulzar, N Yousuf
Plant Archives 15 (2), 1191-1194, 2015
Studies on genetic variability in dolichos bean (Lablab purpureus L.)
N Mohan, TS Aghora, MA Wani
Journal of Horticultural Sciences 9 (1), 82-85, 2014
Combining ability analysis for yield and yield contributing traits in Popcorn (Zea mays everta L.) under temperate conditions
ZA Dar, AA Lone, BA Alie, MA Ahangar, MA Wani, G Ali, I Abidi, A Gazal, ...
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 7 (1), 361-366, 2018
Smith hazel selection index for the improvement of maize inbred lines under water stress conditions
A Gazal, FA Nehvi, AA Lone, ZA Dar, MA Wani
Int. J. Pure App. Biosci 5 (1), 72-81, 2017
Development and validation of a reverse phase HPLC–DAD method for separation, detection & quantification of rutin and quercetin in buckwheat (Fagopyrum spp.)
S Jan, J Ahmad, MM Dar, AA Wani, I Tahir, AN Kamili
Journal of Food Science and Technology, 1-9, 2022
Farmer’s perception of climate change and adaptation strategies under temperate environmental conditions of Kashmir, India
SS MAHDI, R Jan, IA Jehangir, A Hussain, MA BHAT, B Dhekale, ...
Journal of Agrometeorology 23 (4), 442-451, 2021
Horizontal expansion of saffron in new areas of Jammu and Kashmir‒a case study
S Yasmin, FA Nehvi, J Sethi, AA Wani
IV International Symposium on Saffron Biology and Technology 1200, 55-58, 2012
Morpho-Cultural and Pathogenic Variability of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Causing White Mold of Common Beans in Temperate Climate
RA Rather, FA Ahanger, SA Ahanger, U Basu, MA Wani, Z Rashid, ...
Journal of Fungi 8 (7), 755, 2022
Analysis and farmers’ perception of climate change in the Kashmir Valley, India
SS Mahdi, BS Dhekale, R Jan, MA Bhat, A Hussain, IA Jehangir, NR Sofi, ...
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 149 (1), 727-741, 2022
Pre-breeding and population improvement
AM Iqbal, AA Lone, SA Wani, SH Wani, FA Nehvi
IndianJournals. com 2 (3), 188-197, 2013
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