Alexis Bouquet
Alexis Bouquet
Laboratoire de Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moléculaires (PIIM)
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Cassini finds molecular hydrogen in the Enceladus plume: evidence for hydrothermal processes
JH Waite, CR Glein, RS Perryman, BD Teolis, BA Magee, G Miller, ...
Science 356 (6334), 155-159, 2017
Methane clathrates in the solar system
O Mousis, E Chassefière, NG Holm, A Bouquet, JH Waite, WD Geppert, ...
Astrobiology 15 (4), 308-326, 2015
Possible evidence for a methane source in Enceladus' ocean
A Bouquet, O Mousis, JH Waite, S Picaud
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (5), 1334-1339, 2015
Instrumental methods for professional and amateur collaborations in planetary astronomy
O Mousis, R Hueso, JP Beaulieu, S Bouley, B Carry, F Colas, A Klotz, ...
Experimental Astronomy 38, 91-191, 2014
Scientific rationale for Saturn׳ s in situ exploration
O Mousis, LN Fletcher, JP Lebreton, P Wurz, T Cavalié, A Coustenis, ...
Planetary and Space Science 104, 29-47, 2014
Plume and surface feature structure and compositional effects on Europa's global exosphere: Preliminary Europa mission predictions
BD Teolis, DY Wyrick, A Bouquet, BA Magee, JH Waite
Icarus 284, 18-29, 2017
Alternative energy: production of H2 by radiolysis of water in the rocky cores of icy bodies
A Bouquet, CR Glein, D Wyrick, JH Waite
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 840 (1), L8, 2017
Ceres: Astrobiological target and possible ocean world
JC Castillo-Rogez, M Neveu, JEC Scully, CH House, LC Quick, ...
Astrobiology 20 (2), 269-291, 2020
Simulation of the capabilities of an orbiter for monitoring the entry of interplanetary matter into the terrestrial atmosphere
A Bouquet, D Baratoux, J Vaubaillon, MI Gritsevich, D Mimoun, O Mousis, ...
Planetary and Space Science 103, 238-249, 2014
Pits formation from volatile outgassing on 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko
O Mousis, A Guilbert-Lepoutre, B Brugger, L Jorda, JS Kargel, A Bouquet, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 814 (1), L5, 2015
Origin of molecular oxygen in comets: current knowledge and perspectives
A Luspay-Kuti, O Mousis, JI Lunine, Y Ellinger, F Pauzat, U Raut, ...
Space science reviews 214, 1-24, 2018
Exogenic origin for the volatiles sampled by the Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite impact
KE Mandt, O Mousis, D Hurley, A Bouquet, KD Retherford, LO Magaña, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 642, 2022
Cold traps of hypervolatiles in the protosolar nebula at the origin of the peculiar composition of comet C/2016 R2 (PanSTARRS)
O Mousis, A Aguichine, A Bouquet, JI Lunine, G Danger, KE Mandt, ...
The Planetary Science Journal 2 (2), 72, 2021
Cassini INMS constraints on the composition and latitudinal fractionation of Saturn ring rain material
KE Miller, JH Waite Jr, RS Perryman, ME Perry, A Bouquet, BA Magee, ...
Icarus 339, 113595, 2020
The role of clathrate formation in Europa’s ocean composition
A Bouquet, O Mousis, CR Glein, G Danger, JH Waite
The Astrophysical Journal 885 (1), 14, 2019
MASPEX-Europa: the Europa Clipper neutral gas mass spectrometer investigation
JH Waite Jr, JL Burch, TG Brockwell, DT Young, GP Miller, SC Persyn, ...
Space Science Reviews 220 (3), 30, 2024
Organosulfur compounds formed by sulfur ion bombardment of astrophysical ice analogs: implications for moons, comets, and Kuiper Belt objects
A Ruf, A Bouquet, P Boduch, P Schmitt-Kopplin, V Vinogradoff, ...
The Astrophysical journal letters 885 (2), L40, 2019
How adsorption affects the gas–ice partitioning of organics erupted from Enceladus
A Bouquet, CR Glein, JH Waite
The Astrophysical Journal 873 (1), 28, 2019
Moonraker: Enceladus multiple flyby mission
O Mousis, A Bouquet, Y Langevin, N André, H Boithias, G Durry, F Faye, ...
The Planetary Science Journal 3 (12), 268, 2022
Sulfur ion irradiation experiments simulating space weathering of Solar System body surfaces-Organosulfur compound formation
A Ruf, A Bouquet, P Schmitt-Kopplin, P Boduch, O Mousis, G Danger
Astronomy & Astrophysics 655, A74, 2021
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