Rainer Thiele
Rainer Thiele
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Does US aid buy UN general assembly votes? A disaggregated analysis
A Dreher, P Nunnenkamp, R Thiele
Public choice 136, 139-164, 2008
Are ‘new’donors different? Comparing the allocation of bilateral aid between nonDAC and DAC donor countries
A Dreher, P Nunnenkamp, R Thiele
World Development 39 (11), 1950-1968, 2011
Does aid for education educate children? Evidence from panel data
A Dreher, P Nunnenkamp, R Thiele
The World Bank Economic Review 22 (2), 291-314, 2008
Keeping a low profile: what determines the allocation of aid by non-governmental organizations?
DJ Koch, A Dreher, P Nunnenkamp, R Thiele
World development 37 (5), 902-918, 2009
Do donors target aid in line with the Millennium Development Goals? A sector perspective of aid allocation
R Thiele, P Nunnenkamp, A Dreher
Review of World Economics 143, 596-630, 2007
Targeting aid to the needy and deserving: nothing but promises?
P Nunnenkamp, R Thiele
World Economy 29 (9), 1177-1201, 2006
Less aid proliferation and more donor coordination? The wide gap between words and deeds
I Aldasoro, P Nunnenkamp, R Thiele
Journal of international development 22 (7), 920-940, 2010
Donor coordination and specialization: did the Paris Declaration make a difference?
P Nunnenkamp, H Öhler, R Thiele
Review of World Economics 149, 537-563, 2013
The impact of foreign aid on migration revisited
M Lanati, R Thiele
World development 111, 59-74, 2018
Corrupt governments do not receive more state-to-state aid: Governance and the delivery of foreign aid through non-state actors
M Acht, TO Mahmoud, R Thiele
Journal of Development Economics 114, 20-33, 2015
Assessing the allocation of aid: developmental concerns and the self-interest of donors
G Canavire, P Nunnenkamp, R Thiele, L Triveño
The Indian Economic Journal 54 (1), 26-51, 2006
Constructing a social accounting matrix with a distributional focus-the case of Bolivia
R Thiele, D Piazolo
Kiel Working Paper, 2002
Increasing inequality in Chalcolithic Southeast Europe: the case of Durankulak
A Windler, R Thiele, J Müller
Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (1), 204-210, 2013
The social impact of structural adjustment in Bolivia
R Thiele
Journal of International Development: The Journal of the Development Studies …, 2003
Rural welfare implications of large-scale land acquisitions in Africa: A theoretical framework
L Kleemann, R Thiele
Economic Modelling 51, 269-279, 2015
Price incentives, non‐price factors and agricultural production in Sub‐Saharan Africa: A cointegration analysis
R Thiele
African Development Review 15 (2‐3), 425-438, 2003
Is the informal sector constrained from the demand side? Evidence for six West African capitals
M Böhme, R Thiele
World Development 40 (7), 1369-1381, 2012
Estimating the aggregate agricultural supply response: a survey of techniques and results for developing countries
R Thiele
Kiel Working Paper, 2000
Informal–formal linkages and informal enterprise performance in urban West Africa
MH Böhme, R Thiele
The European Journal of Development Research 26, 473-489, 2014
Do aid donors specialize and coordinate within recipient countries? The case of Malawi
P Nunnenkamp, A Sotirova, R Thiele
Development Policy Review 34 (6), 831-849, 2016
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