Dr. Claus-Peter Wirth
Dr. Claus-Peter Wirth
Research Fellow, FB AI, Hochschule Harz
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Proof Development with Ωmega
J Siekmann, C Benzmüller, V Brezhnev, L Cheikhrouhou, A Fiedler, ...
Automated Deduction—CADE-18: 18th International Conference on Automated …, 2002
Descente infinie+ deduction
CP Wirth
Logic Journal of IGPL 12 (1), 1-96, 2004
How to Prove Inductive Theorems? QuodLibet!
J Avenhaus, U Kühler, T Schmidt-Samoa, CP Wirth
Automated Deduction–CADE-19: 19th International Conference on Automated …, 2003
A constructor-based approach to positive/negative-conditional equational specifications
CP Wirth, B Gramlich
Journal of Symbolic Computation 17 (1), 51-90, 1994
A generic modular data structure for proof attempts alternating on ideas and granularity
S Autexier, C Benzmüller, D Dietrich, A Meier, CP Wirth
Mathematical Knowledge Management: 4th International Conference, MKM 2005 …, 2006
Positive/Negative-Conditional Equations: A Constructor-Based Framework for Specification and Inductive Theorem Proving. Schriftenreihe Forschungsergebnisse zur Informatik, ISBN …
CP Wirth
Verlag Dr. Kovac, Hamburg 31, 250, 1997
Conditional equational specifications of data types with partial operations for inductive theorem proving
U Kühler, CP Wirth
International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 38-52, 1997
On notions of inductive validity for first-order equational clauses
CP Wirth, B Gramlich
International Conference on Automated Deduction, 162-176, 1994
Hilbert's epsilon as an operator of indefinite committed choice
CP Wirth
Journal of Applied Logic 6 (3), 287-317, 2008
History and future of implicit and inductionless induction: beware the old jade and the zombie!
CP Wirth
Mechanizing Mathematical Reasoning: Essays in Honor of Jörg H. Siekmann on …, 2005
Grundlagen der Mathematik= Foundations of mathematics
D Hilbert, P Bernays, CP Wirth, J Siekmann, M Gabbay, D Gabbay
(No Title), 1934
On Notions of Inductive Validity for First-Order Equational Clauses. 12th CADE 1994, LNAI 814
CP Wirth, B Gramlich
Springer, 1994
Abstract notions and inference systems for proofs by mathematical induction
CP Wirth, K Becker
International Workshop on Conditional Term Rewriting Systems, 353-373, 1994
Syntactic confluence criteria for positive/negative-conditional term rewriting systems
CP Wirth
arXiv preprint arXiv:0902.3614, 2009
Full First-Order Sequent and Tableau Calculi With Preservation of Solutions and the Liberalized δ-Rule but Without Skolemization
CP Wirth
International Workshop on First-Order Theorem Proving, 282-297, 1998
Jacques Herbrand: Life, Logic, and Automated Deduction.
CP Wirth, JH Siekmann, C Benzmüller, S Autexier
Logic from Russell to Church 5, 195-254, 2009
Assuring automotive data and software integrity employing distributed hash tables and blockchain
G Falco, JE Siegel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.02780, 2020
Shallow confluence of conditional term rewriting systems
CP Wirth
Journal of Symbolic Computation 44 (1), 60-98, 2009
A series of revisions of David Poole’s specificity
CP Wirth, F Stolzenburg
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 78, 205-258, 2016
lim+, δ+, and Non-Permutability of β-Steps
CP Wirth
Journal of Symbolic Computation 47 (9), 1109-1135, 2012
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