Fank J.
Fank J.
JR-AquaConSol GmbH, CEO
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Estimating precipitation and actual evapotranspiration from precision lysimeter measurements
F Schrader, W Durner, J Fank, S Gebler, T Pütz, M Hannes, ...
Procedia Environmental Sciences 19, 543-552, 2013
Modular design of field lysimeters for specific application needs
G Von Unold, J Fank
Water, air, & soil pollution: Focus 8, 233-242, 2008
Environmental isotope (δ18O) and hydrological data to assess water flow in unsaturated soils planted with different crops: Case study lysimeter station “Wagna”(Austria)
C Stumpp, P Maloszewski, W Stichler, J Fank
Journal of Hydrology 369 (1-2), 198-208, 2009
A comprehensive filtering scheme for high-resolution estimation of the water balance components from high-precision lysimeters
M Hannes, U Wollschläger, F Schrader, W Durner, S Gebler, T Pütz, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (8), 3405-3418, 2015
Lysimeters in vadose zone research
T Pütz, J Fank, M Flury
Vadose Zone Journal 17 (1), 1-4, 2018
Determining water and nitrogen balances for beneficial management practices using lysimeters at Wagna test site (Austria)
G Klammler, J Fank
Science of the total environment 499, 448-462, 2014
Die Bedeutung der ungesättigten Zone für Grundwasserneubildung und Nitratbefrachtung des Grundwassers in quartären Lockersediment-Aquiferen am Beispiel des Leibnitzer Feldes …
J Fank
na, 1999
Performance assessment of nitrate leaching models for highly vulnerable soils used in low-input farming based on lysimeter data
P Groenendijk, M Heinen, G Klammler, J Fank, H Kupfersberger, ...
Science of the total environment 499, 463-480, 2014
Inverse estimation of soil hydraulic and root distribution parameters from lysimeter data
H Schelle, SC Iden, J Fank, W Durner
Vadose Zone Journal 11 (4), vzj2011.0169, 2012
High-precision weighable field Lysimeter–a tool to measure water and solute balance parameters
J Fank, G Unold
International Water and Irrigation 27 (3), 28-32, 2007
A long-term lysimeter experiment to investigate the environmental dispersion of the herbicide chloridazon and its metabolites—comparison of lysimeter types
A Schuhmann, O Gans, S Weiss, J Fank, G Klammler, G Haberhauer, ...
Journal of soils and sediments 16, 1032-1045, 2016
Regional modeling of geothermal energy systems in shallow aquifers: the Leibnitzer Feld case study (Austria)
F Händel, R Liedl, J Fank, G Rock
Environmental earth sciences 70, 3433-3446, 2013
Simultaneous estimation of soil hydraulic and root distribution parameters from lysimeter data by inverse modeling
H Schelle, W Durner, SC Iden, J Fank
Procedia Environmental Sciences 19, 564-573, 2013
Degradation and leaching of bentazone, terbuthylazine and S-metolachlor and some of their metabolites: A long-term lysimeter experiment.
A Schuhmann, G Klammler, S Weiss, O Gans, J Fank, G Haberhauer, ...
Plant, Soil & Environment 65 (5), 2019
Lysimeter stations and soil hydrology measuring sites in Europe-Results of a 2004 survey
C Lanthaler, J Fank
na, 2005
Using 18O/2H, 3H/3He, 85Kr and CFCs to determine mean residence times and water origin in the Grazer and Leibnitzer Feld groundwater bodies (Austria)
M Kralik, F Humer, J Fank, T Harum, G Klammler, D Gooddy, J Sültenfuß, ...
Applied Geochemistry 50, 150-163, 2014
Modeling coupled unsaturated and saturated nitrate distribution of the aquifer Westliches Leibnitzer Feld, Austria
G Klammler, H Kupfersberger, G Rock, J Fank
Environmental earth sciences 69 (2), 663-678, 2013
Linking geophysics and soil function modeling—An application study for biomass production
J Krüger, U Franko, J Fank, E Stelzl, P Dietrich, M Pohle, U Werban
Vadose Zone Journal 12 (4), 1-13, 2013
Emerging measurement methods for soil hydrological studies
U Schindler, L Mueller, G von Unold, W Durner, J Fank
Novel Methods for Monitoring and Managing Land and Water Resources in …, 2016
Assessment of small-diameter shallow wells for managed aquifer recharge at a site in southern Styria, Austria
F Händel, G Liu, J Fank, F Friedl, R Liedl, P Dietrich
Hydrogeology Journal 24 (8), 2079, 2016
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