Ruslan Sadykov
Ruslan Sadykov
Head of R&D, Atoptima
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Cited by
A generic exact solver for vehicle routing and related problems
A Pessoa, R Sadykov, E Uchoa, F Vanderbeck
Mathematical Programming 183 (1), 483-523, 2020
Bin packing with conflicts: a generic branch-and-price algorithm
R Sadykov, F Vanderbeck
INFORMS Journal on Computing 25 (2), 244-255, 2013
Column generation based primal heuristics
C Joncour, S Michel, R Sadykov, D Sverdlov, F Vanderbeck
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 36, 695-702, 2010
Automation and combination of linear-programming based stabilization techniques in column generation
A Pessoa, R Sadykov, E Uchoa, F Vanderbeck
INFORMS Journal on Computing 30 (2), 339-360, 2018
Primal heuristics for branch and price: The assets of diving methods
R Sadykov, F Vanderbeck, A Pessoa, I Tahiri, E Uchoa
INFORMS Journal on Computing 31 (2), 251-267, 2019
A bucket graph–based labeling algorithm with application to vehicle routing
R Sadykov, E Uchoa, A Pessoa
Transportation Science 55 (1), 4-28, 2021
Integer programming and constraint programming in solving a multimachine assignment scheduling problem with deadlines and release dates
R Sadykov, LA Wolsey
INFORMS Journal on computing 18 (2), 209-217, 2006
Enhanced branch-cut-and-price algorithm for heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problems
A Pessoa, R Sadykov, E Uchoa
European Journal of Operational Research 270 (2), 530-543, 2018
An improved branch-cut-and-price algorithm for the two-echelon capacitated vehicle routing problem
G Marques, R Sadykov, JC Deschamps, R Dupas
Computers & Operations Research 114, 104833, 2020
BaPCod-a generic branch-and-price code
R Sadykov, F Vanderbeck
Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, 2021
Column generation for extended formulations
R Sadykov, F Vanderbeck
EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 1 (1-2), 81-115, 2013
A branch-and-price algorithm for the minimum latency problem
T Bulhoes, R Sadykov, E Uchoa
Computers & Operations Research 93, 66-78, 2018
The two-echelon stochastic multi-period capacitated location-routing problem
IB Mohamed, W Klibi, R Sadykov, H Şen, F Vanderbeck
European journal of operational research 306 (2), 645-667, 2023
Scheduling incoming and outgoing trucks at cross docking terminals to minimize the storage cost
R Sadykov
Annals of Operations Research 201 (1), 423-440, 2012
A POPMUSIC matheuristic for the capacitated vehicle routing problem
E Queiroga, R Sadykov, E Uchoa
Computers & Operations Research 136, 105475, 2021
In-out separation and column generation stabilization by dual price smoothing
A Pessoa, R Sadykov, E Uchoa, F Vanderbeck
Experimental Algorithms: 12th International Symposium, SEA 2013, Rome, Italy …, 2013
Column generation based approaches for a tour scheduling problem with a multi-skill heterogeneous workforce
M Gérard, F Clautiaux, R Sadykov
European Journal of Operational Research 252 (3), 1019-1030, 2016
Branch-cut-and-price for the robust capacitated vehicle routing problem with knapsack uncertainty
AA Pessoa, M Poss, R Sadykov, F Vanderbeck
Operations Research 69 (3), 739-754, 2021
A branch-cut-and-price approach for the single-trip and multi-trip two-echelon vehicle routing problem with time windows
G Marques, R Sadykov, R Dupas, JC Deschamps
Transportation Science 56 (6), 1598-1617, 2022
On the exact solution of vehicle routing problems with backhauls
E Queiroga, Y Frota, R Sadykov, A Subramanian, E Uchoa, T Vidal
European Journal of Operational Research 287 (1), 76-89, 2020
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Articles 1–20