Gregor Gantner
Gregor Gantner
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Reliable and efficient a posteriori error estimation for adaptive IGA boundary element methods for weakly-singular integral equations
M Feischl, G Gantner, D Praetorius
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 290, 362-386, 2015
Adaptive IGAFEM with optimal convergence rates: Hierarchical B-splines
G Gantner, D Haberlik, D Praetorius
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 27 (14), 2631-2674, 2017
Further results on a space-time FOSLS formulation of parabolic PDEs
G Gantner, R Stevenson
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 55 (1), 283-299, 2021
Rate optimal adaptive FEM with inexact solver for nonlinear operators
G Gantner, A Haberl, D Praetorius, B Stiftner
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 38 (4), 1797-1831, 2018
Adaptive 2D IGA boundary element methods
M Feischl, G Gantner, A Haberl, D Praetorius
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 62, 141-153, 2016
Rate optimality of adaptive finite element methods with respect to overall computational costs
G Gantner, A Haberl, D Praetorius, S Schimanko
Mathematics of Computation 90 (331), 2011-2040, 2021
Optimal convergence for adaptive IGA boundary element methods for weakly-singular integral equations
M Feischl, G Gantner, A Haberl, D Praetorius
Numerische Mathematik 136, 147-182, 2017
Mathematical foundations of adaptive isogeometric analysis
A Buffa, G Gantner, C Giannelli, D Praetorius, R Vázquez
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 29 (7), 4479-4555, 2022
Adaptive boundary element methods for optimal convergence of point errors
M Feischl, G Gantner, A Haberl, D Praetorius, T Führer
Numerische Mathematik 132, 541-567, 2016
Optimal adaptivity for splines in finite and boundary element methods
G Gantner
PhD thesis, TU Wien, 2017
Optimal convergence behavior of adaptive FEM driven by simple (h− h∕ 2)-type error estimators
C Erath, G Gantner, D Praetorius
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 79 (3), 623-642, 2020
Adaptive isogeometric BEM
G Gantner
Master’s thesis, TU Wien, 2014
Goal-oriented adaptive finite element methods with optimal computational complexity
R Becker, G Gantner, M Innerberger, D Praetorius
Numerische Mathematik 153 (1), 111-140, 2023
Fast solutions for the first-passage distribution of diffusion models with space-time-dependent drift functions and time-dependent boundaries
U Boehm, S Cox, G Gantner, R Stevenson
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 105, 102613, 2021
Improved rates for a space–time FOSLS of parabolic PDEs
G Gantner, R Stevenson
Numerische Mathematik 156 (1), 133-157, 2024
Adaptive isogeometric boundary element methods with local smoothness control
G Gantner, D Praetorius, S Schimanko
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 30 (02), 261-307, 2020
Adaptive BEM for elliptic PDE systems, part II: Isogeometric analysis with hierarchical B-splines for weakly-singular integral equations
G Gantner, D Praetorius
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 117, 74-96, 2022
Adaptive BEM for elliptic PDE systems, part I: abstract framework, for weakly-singular integral equations
G Gantner, D Praetorius
Applicable Analysis 101 (6), 2085-2118, 2022
Adaptive IGAFEM with optimal convergence rates: T-splines
G Gantner, D Praetorius
Computer Aided Geometric Design 81, 101906, 2020
Applications of a space-time FOSLS formulation for parabolic PDEs
G Gantner, R Stevenson
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 44 (1), 58-82, 2024
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